
'That was a fun night'

Only missing Rolando McClain

Not when you lose that pick the next year in the real draft - there's a reason these people are in the supplementary. Only when you're in a situation like the Browns - a talent devoid roster with a desperate need for help - is it feasible, and even then a second rounder is a pretty steep price to pay. Look at the Jags

They actually only had one because he was in the supplementary draft (so not eligible for the real one) and was taken in the second round of it. For a kid with so many character troubles it's not at all amazing they weren't willing to fork up a first rounder for him.

Good to see Bernie Ecclestone enjoying some time off after the F1 season.

Personally I think it's brilliant enough to deserve it's own enshrinement alongside it. Besides the DHoF nomination isn't based on the whole saga (although it certainly helps) but for the actual investigation and amazing groundwork the guys did on it. Think of that as the main course and this the desert, both were

My only thing I would say to this is Paula Radcliffe (who wasn't half bad at this marathon malarky) said she wouldn't do distance runs, but rather timed ones. At the end of the day it's what you're comfortable with. About a month before you should really be wanting to sharpen up and taper, so whilst your long runs are

(Very long, just expanding on Raysism's point)

Exactly, and you're going to want to be on pace for that time and just sprint for the end. Many people who take up marathons will just be doing it to complete it in and certain time as a challenge to themselves. To complete the marathon is the challenge, not to do it as

Great Britain and Northern Ireland*

They get a bit frisky when you mess that up

Thad "The Champ" Lewis

Hence why Kevin Peterson started a bit of a beef with Jack Wilshere. Personally I believe if you to a country before you were 18 (so it played a vital part in your development in that sport), were born there or have a direct parent from there (as Mo Farah does) then you have a right to play for that country. I find it

We are the most self important nation. We're a small island with a not all that large population, whose people see themselves as the rulers of Europe, so much so we apparently need a referendum on whether we should be in the EU, because it 'doesn't bring enough benefits to us'.

There was an article today about how we

Is this a 'Dead Kinja' entry for the post tomorrow that will follow up this article?

P.S Yeah, we are classy folks. The first draft of this response had curse words out the wazoo but I'm holding myself back because I, as a Cardinal fan, am better than that.

I think it's called being Andy Dalton

I don't think you've seen Phillip Rivers this year...

And the Packers run blocking has been really surprisingly good. I'm a Pack fan but I thought the best we could hope for would be Eddie Lacey eeking out around 3 YPC. And yet Starks and Franklin both had 100 yard games (the first time we had some of them in a long time) and it's all down to the O-Line opening up some

I'm a British NFL Fan. What people always assume when they talk about an NFL team coming to London is that we will just drop whoever we currently support for a London team. It doesn't work like that in Britain. I'm a huge Packers fan and I'm not going to Wembley unless they're playing there.

People also think that it

That is quite brilliant +1

Right, I don't know how these things work in America. If you're saying that's how your medical insurance works I won't try and logic it in my head. I wouldn't think she'd file a police report if the dog she was looking after bit her, unless she had to for the medical insurance, which wouldn't make sense (again, won't