
I'm from Britain so I'm going to know fuck all about paying for healthcare, but surely $300 (£193 to me) sounds absolutely outrageous. And don't even get me started on £130 worth of dog food. What was she feeding it, rib-eye steak? If you're happy to pay her the money I'd recommend the same as above, getting it all


I think it's the 'fro, definitely the 'fro. No I hope you can keep them, more balance and it's horrible seeing bigger clubs get their own way, especially when it's managers raiding their old club.

Suarez is an absolute terrier when he wants to be (see Ivanhovic, Branislav), however I don't know how long he can carry them. They need Gerrard to stay in one piece and Sturridge to really step up, because what they really need is goals.

I think Bill Kenwright is sensible enough to not let Fellaini go no matter how much they could do with the cash. Possibly the same with Baines, although it's all dependent on if they try and force through moves, but Everton players aren't usually the spoilt brats that we see who use those tactics.

Side note: I clearly

You can say that, but players nowadays should be fit enough to manage it, plus they worked pretty hard on bolstering a bit more depth this year. It'll only really affect them if they have a Europa League run in that that coincides with an FA Cup one later in the season, especially if they do well in the league cup (I

I just think an unmotivated Suarez really won't have the spark they need. Although apparently he's now in talks for a new contract - it's Tevez with City all over again I swear. Personally I buy Swansea a lot more than I buy Liverpool at the minute, even if they don't have the big stars, the style of football and the

Over here in the UK it's Fellaini that gets all the hype, so perhaps I'm a bit sucked in. However if he's truly on United's radar along with other names that've been mentioned, then Moyes really does hold him in high regard and he's the guy who would know. I also value the 'engine room' type of guy Fellaini is over an

I would still put Everton, possibly even Swansea to finish sixth. Everton replaced Moyes with Martinez, who arguably worked even more magic keeping Wigan up for as long as he did, and so long as they keep Felliani (most vital piece) they should have talent to overpower Liverpool, especially if they can build a head

Genetically speaking who should win in a race between Farah and Bolt? I have Farah all the way, I don't think Bolt could live with the lactic acid and I think Farah is much quicker over 400 than people give him credit. I'd like to hear the views of an expert, rather than your club level track runner - albeit a 400

I assure you, Hull is a far more desolate and barren place than Detroit.

But it isn't bankrupt, you go Hull!

'The Jets have two rookie corners scheduled to start this season, Dee Milliner and Antonio Cromartie'

+1 Brett Favre masseuse

Dat forearm

Where's the article blaming the Florida Gators for not picking up the fact he was a pot-smoking murderer when recruiting him? Honestly, it's almost like the people at ESPN don't even think when they write these articles.

Please can someone with the tools/knowledge reverse this? They will be reimbursed for their time in +1's

Child B lost my respect when he used a capital L for lithium. Can't risk a rookie mistake like that when you're trying to whip out the chemistry insults.

No, Bolt was first out the blocks and looks completely out of sorts. At a guess after London he's focused more on sponsors than hard training. I wouldn't bet against him at Moscow though, he'll be determined now

Clearly he's possessed and about to rip his own heart out. Only explanation.

I have a really important exam tomorrow that I should be studying for, hence the effort