I'm still not.
I enjoy commenting on Deadspin because every time I think I have gone immediately to the lowest common denominator, three burners come in and immediately get even more useless and stupid than I.
Like the photoeditor of this post, you're right: I have no idea about this crop of young QBs.
And here's one for the mantle
Peterson usually has to wait for the results of a DNA test until he feels a pop.
You posted a picture of a word in a headline.
But Deandre Hopkins had his mini-stroke and he's still on the team? Some things just aren't fair.
These guys are just trying to remain relevant. If fossils didn't make impressions, who would know they existed?
"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."
I hope the poor kid's family doesn't read this article and scroll down to the comments and read Ray's harmless, personally-referencing non-joke. That would be awful. But hey, then they'd read your sanctimonious pearl-clutching, so I guess that would make them feel heaps better about their dead kid. Thanks for your…
Wait until this is cross-posted on Gizmodo and the hordes trip all over each other informing us how shitty Beats By Dre headphones are.
He just found out about Lennay Kekua.
Time to fire that useless fuckwit Dom Capers.
You have to vote yes because it's the perfect way to tell this motherfucker that he is THE WORST.
I'm conflicted on how to vote... if only there were some other commenters here to moralize to me & others about how we don't "get" the site the same way they do if we vote no...