
Holy shit! He does sound like a didgeridoo!

This is incredibly flawed thinking. Marathon times don't just happen — you actually have to train for a certain time. And round numbers make for good training targets. No one is going to train for a 3:31:10 marathon, which is why that time is underrepresented.

Someone's getting an early start on their Jermichael Finley costume.

Not altogether different from any other time he's on the field.

"I don't care how bad it is, I want it faster!"

That's not Rondo, that's the long-lost Comment Ninja! Come back, Comment Ninja, your services are needed once again.

some of my best friends are nigerian soccer players.

deleted comment. Wonder forever at what was here before.

Good job. How'd that work out for you?

Try entering each name separately. That should do the trick.

The Holy Grail

Good idea. Test it and make sure it's working first.

Did that work?

Try un-bolding the text and see if it works.

Deadspin Commenters.

The bizarre prank later turned tragic, however, when Wilson ran into Lennie Small.

I think it's a testament to that backup offense that they were able to keep Oregon in the game, let alone win by that margin.

It's kind of bullshit that Oregon had their 2nd string offense play defense though.

Because it was cool