
I'm actually more concerned with how far they can punt a football.

I hate dancing in general, but if I ever got a chance to score a TD in the NFL I'd dance like James Brown on three hits of ecstasy.

Fat Guy interception with Fat Guy TD? My day is complete.

You should be able to play for your country of birth or the country of birth of either parent. Keep it simple and leave it at that. This 5-year residence stuff is ridiculous and cheapens the international game and turns it into more club soccer

P.S Yeah, we are classy folks. The first draft of this response had curse words out the wazoo but I'm holding myself back because I, as a Cardinal fan, am better than that.

The headline would be reversed if this were about the Catholic Church.

From the Buccs to the Vikings or Raiders. Seems like GMs are grading him in the high Cs.

It would be pretty clear if you 1) had actually read the article and 2) possessed basic reading comprehension skills.

Say what you want about the sport, these guys have twice the balls Lance Armstrong ever will have.

No one really even notices with Stage 1 in the NFL. You have to get to at least Stage 2 for fans to notice or care. Just look at Chuck Pagano.

The alternative is to eat his salary as he watches the remaining games from a stadium suite...

This would have been cooler if he had done it with a broken leg.


It's sad to see what post-concussion syndrome can do to a once promising young athlete.

That was just awkward. He sure had my attention after "BBEE be der dhu "

And here I thought Eli Manning's QB rating was the most grotesque single digit of the day.


Ah, sorry dude. I'm old. Spelling mistakes are getting norval for me.

I thought Coach Mora showed admirable restraint.

All these selfish assholes on the field and QB's wanna mess with other receivers SMH...