
Don't you have a game to prepare f...oh wait, nevermind.

Barry, we're going to have to find another sports blog to call home — it looks like Deadspin is consolidating the "talk about punting" and "write like shit" jobs.

Rex Ryan said Quinn is NFL-starter material and other teams were stupid for releasing him... it probably won't be long before he's putting a foot in his mouth.

"Aaron Murray punches babies" is a pretty good one.

Hey diddle diddle

When questioned this morning, Lamar Odom refused to stop using slurs.

I'm not gonna get all caught up in the skimpy outfits. As long as he keeps his tongue in his fucking mouth, I'm ok with it.

If anyone has an issue with Jets going down in NY, it is Pete Carroll.

How many NCAA's does it take to screw in a light bulb?

"a very cool stunt that I'd like to have documented by a reputable news outlet."

And here I thought all those "Eagles Find Way To Beat Themselves" headlines were about football....

Where's the GIF of Sean Newell's sideburn growth?

+1 , Never been to Marlin's Park either.

"There's no way Wayne Washington actually wrote this."

- Bill Simmons

I have the punting gene.

But separated by safety glass.

Starting WR: [gets injured]

This is why Greenville is one of the 10 fastest growing cities in the US. Well, this, and an excellent understanding of how to attract major industry and commerce, leading to the highest rate of foreign investment per capita in the nation. But mostly this.

You have to admire his confidence, putting himself in front of the camera in spite of having nothing to work with. That's downright Favreian.

With a BMI of 927.6, he should probably be playing on the offensive line.