
Ding, muthafckin ding. If you are living your best life or attempting to get there you don’t have time to worry about what other people are doing.

Yes, shaming her for being overweight is morally suspect but so is her deceiving her fans into believing the science on the subject is wrong.

Lizzo raps, sings, plays a flute , and dances on stage. What else do you want from her? Some fat people are lazy, some skinny people are lazy. Some fat people  more athletic than skinny people. What do you want? 

Admittedly I haven’t yet listened to it. I just read the lyrics. I don’t think it’s a call to arms to put on weight. It’s delightfully subversive. It addresses those  “spending all your time tryna bring a woman down”. Body goals shouldn’t be a thing in our society, but they are and in a limited, gendered way. I don’t

With the first story, did the second wife leave the stone? So his adult kids think they’re visiting their dad but it’s just the stone? Or do the adult kids know that he’s now in the other plot?

Obviously an adult who is either 60lbs or 960lbs is unhealthy. My point is we’ve been conditioned to lash out at fat people for being unhealthy in ways we don’t do to others. There are some issues that come with being way under or above a healthy threshold; I’d say as with many ailments there’s often a psychological

Not that they couldn’t - but to do anything without permission of the LEGAL next of kin is against the law and can lose the FH its license.

If Demetra’s marriage license was legit, I don’t understand why the funeral home even dealt with the woman who had the seal-less certificate. I mean, I guess the answer is money - did they get paid twice for this? Burials are more expensive than cremations so maybe they just wanted to double dip.

Candace is that you?

Grand Juries hardly EVER recommend that a cop goes to trial, they almost always recommend everyone else though. At least that’s how it is in PA, I’m sure NY doesn’t work exactly the same but the trends are probably very similar.

It’s almost more of an indictment on the American judiciary system that taking down a (formerly) popular governor is easier than prosecuting a cop that killed a Black man.

Respectability politics is a fool’s game. 

All I’m going to say is: People who are confident and secure in, and happy with themselves don’t have the time to make trolling comments on the internet.

Lizzo: Exists.

People are shitty and are basically upgraded chimpanzees on meth.

There are slender people with diabetes as well. While I don’t have it, I hear fat people being shamed all the time about being more active. I’ve been unwell for other reasons, but because my shape and size are considered “desirable” to cishet men, I don’t get preached to about exercising, though I know I NEED to be

These comments make me sad. Let her live. She’s not trying to shove her lifestyle down her throat. I’ve been skinny, and I’ve been fat. Both times, it was nobody’s business but my own... and that is body positivity.

It all seems pretty bizarre...

Werent they they the main characters from Perfect Strangers?

Oh I'm sorry that's not it.  The correct answer was systemic white privilege.