
According to family members who have played for decades, this is a multi-part problem. The audition invitations are one part, while the cost of formal training / availability of advanced teachers and decreasing numbers of orchestras are the worst parts. Even if more Black musicians decide on this career path, the

Instead of shining a light on the corporate interests, collusion, corruption, and the true source of these problems, the media is giving space to anyone willing to whine about Biden not acting like a tyrant who can wave a magic wand and force the Legislature and the Supreme Court to do whatever he says. Why, because

Because there’s ALWAYS a catch with some people. It makes me wonder if the county has right of first refusal if the owners decide to sell, too. The county finally decides to return the land, but still sets conditions because they are incapable of paying what they owe without keeping some kind of control over what the

I’m less astonished by all the research and studies on very obvious problems with common sense solutions. It’s a money grab - especially the repetitive ones that go over the same ground again and again. What astonishes me is that people paying for it don’t protest against the waste of money in a way that makes folks st

So true. I kept wondering whose employees they studied, and if the company’s goal was really more marketing data or for poaching purposes.  I guess we’ll know if these figures change a whole lot in 2023:

Let’s hope there is more positive influence than negative results among folks on the fence, those who figure their vote won’t make a difference, and those who want to be on the side of the “winner.”

This is another headline news story talking about a poll, but not putting front and center HOW MANY PEOPLE were polled. That matters, and readers who look at the headlines should not have to deep dive into a link about who ran the poll, and check out the Methodology section at the end to discover they asked fewer

Multiple reports/studies showed effectiveness of the vaccines dropped significantly after 6 months, so boosters were recommended. Most people I know got boosters in November or December. However, those weren’t for Omicron. A booster was expected to prevent the need for hospitalization, but didn’t reduce risk of

I’ll look for the reviews, but this sounds like a tale and device that might appeal to a Candace or Clarence type of person. Also, we’ve already seen plenty of folks get rich and “forget” they’re Black - until they get reminded by society. I’d much rather see the reverse scenario.

Each time Harold stages an elaborate fake suicide in front of his blasé aristocratic mother (Vivian Pickles), it’s an attempt to control her emotional reaction. He wants to recreate a moment in his youth where she briefly thought he actually had died and responded with a rare burst of genuine emotion.

fans are excited to see just where Tiana’s story will lead

Both shows are cautionary financial tales, too. Remember when Carrie couldn’t afford to buy her apartment and complained that her spending was leading her to become an old woman who lived in her shoes? All that living above her means highlighted in one episode. Good thing she had generous friends with money. As for

With George Washington on the front of the coins, it seems like they’re sending a mixed message. Liberty would’ve been a better choice.

A year after the country’s recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic slowed down, America’s economic recovery continues to be unequal in regard to race and ethnicity.

Thanks for these - will share so more people can learn the history behind the latest part of the story in the news.

I heard from vaccinated relatives today who were shook when they saw this. Good. Too many people forget the shot doesn’t mean you can’t get it or pass it to other people. It’s to keep people from dying if they do get COVID.

Too right. Every teacher gets trained early on not to put their hands on students for any reason. There are only a few exceptions to this, and messing with a child’s hair “for reasons” isn’t one of them. They just don’t think certain kids matter enough for them to have to follow any rules.  I hope lawsuits and job

I’m not shocked. For years, we’ve been warned about people paying more attention to reality shows than actual reality. With so many folks getting their “news” misinformation from grifters and social media, we need to find some way to get through to them. Maybe this will reach those who’ve been led to believe there are

True, that’s still how they make money. For-profit prisons also gotta be kept full, right? When stops started being used just as much (or more) as the excuse to commit assault and murder is the problem. Not only for us, but also for them. It brought attention to all the ugly stuff about cops they’d rather keep covered

Oh, it’s all part of the Caucasity. For some mayosapiens, if they encounter anything difficult - needing extra effort or thinking - they start looking for someone else to do it. Since most BIPOC have had to work twice as hard to wind up in the same places as mediocre wypipo, folks like that try to latch onto us and