
The tenet that George Washington was the first president of the United States is complicated by an understanding of America under the Articles of Confederation. It’s almost like you’re valuing historical accuracy over comforting mythology.

White people continuing to argue against the 1619 Project just keep demonstrating why it’s needed.

Unfortunately a lot of people think sports are more important than human dignity and they teach that to impressionable kids.

That is some fucking horseshit. Her whole team should have walked off the field.

MTG is just another white lady who thinks she has the right to get into someone’s face because her white femininity will protect her. I’m not sure consequences work on such an ingrained belief — MTG has been taught that nothing is holier or more right than what a white woman “feels” and “believes.” Her election has

What the professor Turley means is that the first amendment was meant to protect white speech. Apparently Black people making their thoughts and demands known is grounds for being run over by a car or shot under stand your ground fuckery.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

What the living fuck? This is just one more reason why I will not be using Uber’s shitty ass services!  They’ve had countless lawsuits filed against them regarding rapists behind the wheel; now you can add racists to the complaints! These two sisters definitely escaped a more tragic ending to their nightmare!

The same goes for requiring proof of vaccination for children or teachers to be allowed to attend or work at any school. Even when I was entering college in 2002, I had to show I was vaccinated for all the usual child vaccinations as well as for meningitis. So all of this BS that it is unconstitutional and unamerican

If schools can tell your kids they’re not allowed to wear bikinis or Budweiser t-shirts to school, they sure as shit can tell you that you have to wear a mask.

These fuckwits are everywhere. I live in Wisconsin, and, because Wisconsin's got some Florida envy or something, one of the repub candidates for governor is a freedom humping jackass who's telling parents and students to resist mask mandates in schools because he alleges that the mandates violate state codes. One of

But they don’t know those 300 kids! They could’ve been little shits! Fuck ‘em!

Conservative who want everyone else dead, and succeeded in killing almost a million fellow citizens, also wonder why nobody wants to be nice to them.

“everyone knows children are not affected by the virus.”

I totally understand why so many white people will fight to the death to protect white privilege. Apparently all you have to do is show up and you get showered with opportunities.

She’s not going to do that. She’s probably risking her clearance by being the subject of this article


Dollar Store Julian Assange is really trying it, isn’t he?

So....if it was against the law to pull her over in the first place (as I have been told by cops a few times: ignorance is not a defense of the law) and the prosecutor says she should not have been removed from the car ipso facto shouldn’t the pig, err....officer be removed from his position as he clearly doesn’t know

Because that could lead to a civilized discussion that would be much more difficult for him to quickly escalate into a racism based arrest and battery.