
5 things I liked in this movie:

Great summary. I’ve spent some time looking into the myths and legends of fairy stories - and a lot of the tropes are pretty horrific as you point out. The public loves a spectacle - and there isn’t much more spectacular than the pomp and circumstance of royal processions and events. Crowns! Jewels! Golden coaches!!!

She is still one of my favorites. I did think Antebellum was Kindred when seeing the previews. It wasn’t but I liked the movie anyway (Jenelle Monet can do wrong in my eyes. Ever.) I am excited that Hollywood is looking for solid Black stories and somehow in the year of our goddess Oprah Winfrey 2021 someone decided

One of the best quotes I’ve ever seen:

Dude, conservatives been cancelling science since AT LEAST 1277, when they cancelled Aristotle.

That’s a solid choice, although it’s not like any of this was new even when the Athenians invited Socrates to put hemlock in his question hole.

Conservatives been banning books for generations. Conservatives try to cancel science constantly. 

Let us not forget how Prince’s “Darling Nikki” gave us this :

No wonder ‘defund the police’ makes them so mad!

I was outside a Rolex store once and I took a picture of a watch in the window.

Nothing better to do? This is EXACTLY what they’re paid to do. 

Hours of police time wasted on this because the cops literally had nothing better to do than harass three Black men and they have to justify their existence somehow.

No crabs in a barrel here! And it's nice to see it!

The Root: Now with 40% more White Tears

I’d bet a fairly high percentage of the people who want to “Leave the past in the past” also get upset about removing statues, high school mascots, & building names of the past. Why be mad about renaming Robert E. Lee High School? Why don’t we leave the past in the past and move forward with learning here at the

Addams Family Values, Hot Shots Part Deux

IT’S ... So ... WHITE!!!! The caucasity is BLINDING!!!

The “country” of Africa??

Please, no more Caucasian Foolishness! There’s too damn much of it already.