
My Barbara Stanwyck fave (just above Remember the Night) is Christmas in Connecticut, also missing from this list.

You hit on what jumped out at me, too. The old biblical approach, “Sorry, you’ll have to wander the desert until you drop dead. We’ll hook up the next generation, though!” The current generation could use help and it’s not impossible. It just takes work and support.  She’s right that taking some of the financial and

Yup. They need the COVID version of the DNR for these folks. Have them sign it like they probably signed the waivers at 45's rally events. Problem solved.

Agreed on all points except one. It’s far worse than they don’t care. They enjoy this and want to see more of it. I’m not sure their sickness can be fixed. As long as they aren’t part of the collateral damage, that group of people celebrates the suffering of others. This is what we’ve seen in footage of the supporters

Yeah, he’ll use this to raise funds, pay his own debts, and leave these lawyers hanging.

So, we’ve finally reached the point in the story The Emperor’s New Clothes where he’s walking down the street naked, and his subjects don’t want to tell him. I hope people are betting which one is gonna play the part of the kid in the crowd of supporters who yells out the truth. Trying to take him aside and whisper in

I read the bit below and had the same expression on my face as Parminder Nagra in the top image:

This was my first thought, too. She’d turn into the biggest victim on the planet if somebody called her the c-word at work, only to have the HR rep tell her that she’d need more evidence to prove it was a hostile workplace for women.

Exactly what I thought when seeing that line about the police department and the postal inspector having “bad blood” between them for years. So bad they have to make all requests through another PD. Who knows how many more cases this like are gonna come out?

Another thing the majority seem to have no idea what we’ve done for them. My grandmother raised kids for two families aside from her own - in Pennsylvania. This did not just happen in the South, like some surprised people here seem to think. They watch that movie The Nanny Diaries and think white women having other

$300 million for a PR campaign to pat 45 on the back about the crappy job he’s done handling the pandemic, with a song to make everybody who isn’t infected feel better. SSDD - anything to avoid spending money on actual medical supplies! I can’t wait to get rid of this style over substance, all for show and nothing to

As long as a lot of racists live there, it doesn’t matter if they are in the minority. What matters is how violent and well-armed they are, and how many of their supporters would help them. That’s based on what happened in Wilmington, NC:

That the city has any hands-off policy makes me wonder how much a squeegee for every Black resident would cost.

A solvent like that coulda saved me a lot of scrubbing back in the jheri curl days...

Shh - sure this is news! So, did these researchers get paid? Asking for a friend who could produce similar results in much less time. New customers get a 10% discount...

I try to imagine him in hell, with all the things he enjoys in sight - but just out of reach. Maybe Satan will make him run after ‘em...for eternity.

All I got in answer to your question is only the good die young.

This is why I tell them I’m pro-life. They like to hear that, so before they go off on their usual spin I say, “That’s why I think police should stop killing people.”

Maybe we need to convince them to produce movies about Black leaders in Britain. They could start with this:

McConnell’s whole game is to stall - just like usual. They don’t care if people lose their homes, get sick, or die in the meantime. Where is that “You About to Lose Your Job” video and Mitch’s email address? Remember that great healthcare plan the GOP was gonna give us when they had control of Congress? They spent a