
Yes, and it sucks just as much as you might imagine. Every time friends decide to see a movie it becomes a big hassle to either figure out in advance where everyone wants to sit or wait outside until everybody shows up so we can work around what’s left before the show starts.

Back in the day, men who ran their mouths like this couldn’t come to any family gatherings - especially the cookout.  If they did show up, they’d leave with their ears burning - and no plate.

I bet he’d resent them even more after getting cut off.

How did he even get the first 1000 likes?

It is kind of weird to see her critics bring up unrelated comments

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I suspect senior Trumpkins are the ones keeping him in the money, too:

45 and his GOP supporters want to fix nothing. Their mission is to break whatever they can while filling their own pockets at public expense. This is why they have no alternative plan for anything - from healthcare on down. I wish there was a way to dock legislators’ pay (or demand a refund) when they get a salary and

In many earthquake-prone areas, people who don’t want to use electric must use propane.

I can’t believe he tried it.

Interesting. I’ve lived in places in MA and PA where oil use was more common than gas. Hot water systems did a much better job of heating spaces than forced air. When I visit family in newer construction with vents overhead everyone freezes.  If my brother didn’t have a wood burning fireplace to supplement his system,

I’ll never understand why so many people prioritize convenience over safety, but it’s the same reason why Uber, Airbnb, and similar services are so popular. It’s all great for the consumer until the unfortunate but entirely preventable incident happens, and of course, part of the marketing is that all of these things

I’ll never understand why when talking about gas, you mention safety and people focus on heat. They never mention the risks from leaks or explosions, which are much worse problems.

I agree with your approach, and it is a great idea. One thing that might make it better - my mother let me pick my own gynecologist. She saw a male doctor, and I chose a woman. That was mainly because there were too many men we interviewed who hand-waved common symptoms as being a myth or something in women’s heads.

Your first choice is close to my fave, PB & apple jelly. Something about apple butter makes it too rich for my taste.

True, but it was the switching from paper to a gadget that was startling.  If they’d started with the electric from the beginning, nobody would’ve thought twice about it.

Reminds me of a story my grandmother told me. She was picky about buying food from an Amish group that came to her town on weekends during the summer months. Once she arrived late, and they’d already left. So, she went to a local farmer instead.

Good for him. I’d think about forgiveness after some atonement - not before.

So, a dumb-dumb is complaining about Dum Dums?

Exactly. I agree that the “ethnic food” aisle is racist. In a local store, Goya beans were in a separate section from other beans, and black-eyed peas were in a section for vegetables - sitting next to canned yams and red beans & rice. The categories that supermarkets use to arrange food in terrible ways is what makes