I’m so glad you said this. I won’t even put my pet’s dishes in the dishwasher. If a pet accidentally gets their paws on a dish...well that dish is the dog’s/cat’s from then on.
I’m so glad you said this. I won’t even put my pet’s dishes in the dishwasher. If a pet accidentally gets their paws on a dish...well that dish is the dog’s/cat’s from then on.
Great assessment. For me, the major problems are that 1) The Doctor seems undefined, and 2) no one mentions it. Both are odd and unbelievable. We get a comment here or there that something from a past regeneration was remembered, and that’s it.
Show me the dead dough-eaters, CDC!
I remember that year, it was when appropriation hit the contest. I’m sure she started after reading about a delicious “ethnic” dish called chicken and waffles, considered adding kale to screw it up, but wound up using spinach as a substitute because it was on the approved ingredients list.
I live in Rochester NY
My one thing is to make sure that “something” is not too much for my family to handle. After three relatives left their things for me to deal with, Swedish death cleaning has become a major goal:
You’d think after over three years the left in Britain would have got its shit together, and would be outright opposed to it...but they aren’t.
We put up the tree on Christmas Eve, and take it down after the Epiphany in January. Even though we only keep it for the 12 days, it is watered multiple times a day. I’ve never had a stand that holds as much water as this article recommends, though. When the water level drops by two inches, we refill to the top and…
I’ve always hated how difficult it can be for me to do things far in advance, but I’m always my most productive when I get to the point that I need to get something done.
Thanks for sharing your experience. My lashes must really enjoy swimming, because I have to rescue one from my eyes every few days. They also must be washed daily, so extensions would not work for me.
degenerating mental capability.
I’ll be hoping for a lawsuit. It’s the only way the officer will be forced to learn new tricks (and find a different job).
A little ignorance can go a long way, and take a long time to die. I was watching a show with events set at the end of the 18th century. Two characters are doctors, and the rich people prefer the one who believes in treating patients by bleeding, trepanation, etc.. The poor people have the younger doctor who promotes…
people I’ve always known to be thoughtful and intelligent
Though I will say that despite Yaz being closer to the story this time it didn’t really develop her that much- it wasn’t about her, it’s about her grandmother, and sure our relatives and our past is a part of us, but I feel like I need to see more of her motivations/attitude/etc.
the lovely scene with Yaz and her gram at the end, where Yaz asked her NOT to tell her the story of the broken watch, now understanding why her gram found it too painful to talk about that part of her past.
Even if she genuinely felt she had to shoot that day
There should be protests everywhere she goes, for the rest of her life. Never let her profit from this.
because he’s a narcissist
I’ve started telling people that the first woman might be elected president if both major parties nominate women. I say “might be” since there’s also a chance that year would be the first time in history a third party candidate wins.