
Seems like a waste of electricity to make such a mediocre game look better, frankly.

The weird repeated insistence that this game is so horribly brutal and hard to endure is honestly weird here. I don’t know if it’s this particular writer or just kotaku’s general angle on TLOU ever since the second game kickstarted an internet war, but it just comes across hilariously pearl-clutching. I mean, this is

With the scalping market vanishing

People are strange. I don’t visit Giz sites very often anymore, and I know there’s not much more than weird and silly spectacle here anymore, but sometimes I’m just baffled by things I see here.

I just keep asking: why? Why would this woman spend time promoting a game on Tinder? Why would anyone buy a game to impress

Kotaku has quickly become the garbage negative bully reviewer. I used to come here for great articles with honest opinions but now it’s like you’re trying to find issues with every single game. Look not everything you enjoy is everyone else’s cup of tea. First off. You’re not “shooting” anything It’s a gat dang flash

I got maybe a dozen hours in - for anyone who got further than you, I beat everything in the tutorial and in the first area (Velen) and then got bored in the second area (Novigrad). The combat was too repetitive and having seen the Netflix series and read a couple of the books, I didn’t get much new from the setting

Sadly they then made online Gwent very little like Witcher 3 Gwent because their balancing team couldn’t hack it.

I felt the same about The Witcher 3. I tried it out when it was on Gamepass in 2020 and after about an hour I was over it. I realize that’s not enough time to really learn the game and experience it, but if I’m not enjoying something after an hour, what’s the point in continuing?

Played The Witcher 3 for the first time a few months ago and I eventually got bored and stopped playing, never came close to beating it. But I enjoyed Gwent. Didn’t get into the existing standalone because, though I enjoy it, I’m bad at it and didn’t want only PvP, but this sounds fun.

It’s sad that these indie games got this close to some much-needed free publicity, but were put into a slideshow that many of us refuse to click on. Fuck slideshows.

Start slideshow  >

One of the most frustrating elements of this being a gacha game is there are so many otherwise interesting ideas present in terms of gameplay, characters, story, lore, etc. that it becomes infuriating to see basically all of that brought down by the game’s own insistence on monetizing and exploiting every possible laye

Lol QOL improvements and still no controller support for android after 1.5 years, guess I’m never picking this game up again at this rate

Hey Sisi, nobody wants to hear about how much you love the shameless exploitation of children via legalized gambling. Thanks!

Come on now, games that are designed to psychologically manipulate you into gambling unreasonable amounts of money on them are fine as long as they’ve got cool anime characters.

And I’m excited for the new gameplay possibilities that they could open up on my account.

It doesn’t help that there are a million zombie games out there, and far fewer good samurai games.  Also, Days Gone suffered from a drab, uninteresting brown and grey world, and GoT was more visually interesting in every respect.  

Initially it was reviewed as mediocre and unoriginal. So I never played it. Then suddenly it gained this huge following saying the “critics” were all wrong and it was one of the most underrated games of all time and should be played! So I picked it up on a sale, and guess what.

No idea how you ever run out of gas when gas stations are marked on the map, camps can refill your tank, and every Nero site has at least one tank.