
I feel the same way. Kotaku is really going down the gutter.

Its like the only thing Sisi Jiang writes about too. Her only reason or being on payroll is to promote an extremely exploitative gacha game.

the act of not closing the door just cause she’s a woman is actually discriminatory. sexual harassment training covers treating the opposite sex differently within the work place and an example that’s very similar to this is presented. 

Is it safe to play video games?

“I’ve never seen a homeless person, so they don’t exist.” 

It depends on the person, there’s plenty of non-binary who accept gendered pronouns.

Looks 🥔

Man, you must feel really dumb now . . . haha

Nice to see the age old anime trope of teamwork over individual skill come into reality.

You’re acting like you played the game.

Thanks for living up to your image.

Thanks for living up to your image.

Haha The figure has lady hands. Just look at the size of that cigarette in comparison to his fingers.

A non-sentient vehicle is not a character.

Now playing

Hey, its that game that Conan became infatuated with during last years 3. haha According to the dev he interviewed, you're suppose to collect seeds and you go along. Here's a link to that video:

Now playing

Hey, its that game that Conan became infatuated with during last years 3. haha According to the dev he interviewed, you're suppose to collect seeds and you go along. Here's a link to that video:

Even hipsters don't want you to be associated with them. Please leave.

Your post pertains to no one but yourself. Face it, you're an attention whore.

Ubisoft makes the same type of AAA games over and over. They're all open word. All the open worlds have locked areas that need to be unlocked in one way or another to fast travel to. Do something else, Ubisoft.

Klipsch makes the best headphones in that price range. :)

People always think that when people leave, it's because they've failed at something. Wake up. Hes spent almost 20 years at the company. Most people don't want to be doing the same thing for that long.