Pizza delivery people have a more dangerous job than cops. And none of them demand to be let off the hook when they murder unarmed suspects. Get your tongue off that boot.
Pizza delivery people have a more dangerous job than cops. And none of them demand to be let off the hook when they murder unarmed suspects. Get your tongue off that boot.
“I hope you’re injured or killed because you dared to say mean things about the most innocent wonderful people of all: American law enforcement officers.”
SWAT, typically, doesn’t lay down shit. They come in after the fact because it’s the worst case scenario but the worst has already taken place. At best they take the shooter alive but only after someone has been harmed or killed. It’s usually after there is a body or two on the floor though that SWAT actually does…
You don’t. I do. I would love to keep gaming on PC, as I have for the last 8 years. But I don’t know if you are aware, there are only a handful of countries where building a PC for somewhere close to the cost of a console would get you an experience like that console. I don’t live in one of those countries, most of…
Nobody will tell you that, looking at your comment history seems obvious, we get it, you like your PC. As some that’s owned Xboxs, I’ve never had and will never have a reason to PC game. Let it go, you don’t need confirmation of your purchase and game platform, just enjoy yourself like an adult.
“Someone still tell me why I even need an xbox when my pc can do all that shit better.”
Well, she is definitely proof-positive that to be a successful politician, you don’t have FIRST to be a geriatric millionaire or a well-connected wealthy scion of already existing political dynasties.
AOC is a goddamned national treasure. Unabashedly progressive, kicked moderate ass in her elections, calls Republicans on their bullshit, skillfully claps back when they try to attack her, and she somehow successfully managed to merge political awareness with Twitch in a way that didn’t feel forced or scripted? In my…
Beats the hell out of some blood-money-stuffed puppet.
People voted for George W Bush because he seemed like a guy you could have a beer with.
And now for all the regressive man children to puff their chests in comments...
Ruining a community gathering to watch a one time only in game event? Yeah, I’ll confidently call that trolling.
A PUBG article about a glitchy exploit allowing people to troll running immediately after a Fortnite article about a huge, well-executed community event that got people really excited seems like a good snapshot of the status and public perception of the two games.
It sounded like a dubstep machine trying to talk.
God that was awful. Excuse while I bleach my ears and pretend it helps.
That was not worth the shitty wannabe punk cover of that song.
Just watched the whole Cuphead run. It was great, thanks for the heads up! I just beat it a few weeks ago so this was the perfect time to learn all the tricks and glitches I had absolutely no awareness of.
“I was told that what I did didn’t matter”
we all have to start flipping off *anyone* who tries this shit, *every time they do it*.
it’s time for so many of these atrocities the corporate fucks pull *to end*.
Oh, I definitely called the EMTs during my first attack; my symptoms mimic a heart attack (right down to the chest pain and constricted breathing—if I ever actually have an infarction, there’s a danger I’ll ignore it), and I thought I was dying right there.
This was two years ago.
It took time, support from my amazing…