
I've called the Texans, prepare to be lynched.

You speak the truth my friend. Although I don't believe such a long stint in jail is justified, I'm glad that there's some sort of repercussion for his actions. Just because there's other people who says such things and get away with it, doesn't mean it should be taken lightly.

The reason that we find the Steam sale to be lackluster thus far might because of the amazing sales we've already had from other digital distributors. There hasn't been a good game on sale that I've already purchased a month prior. What's worse; Steam seems to be too focused on pushing their trading card feature,

I would love Black Mesa with co-op.

Crime doesn't doesn't pay.

Interesting, but not enough for me to reinstall Skyrim.

@ Shane

The People's Freedom Republic of the Congo!

Get back, Get back; you don't know me like that!

Got shot NINE times!

Shane Roberts

This Steam sale has been utter crap. They're being outdone by other digital distributors from left & right. It seems that their focus this year is to promote their digital trading cards, not provide the steep discounts that we've become so akin to.

I sure hope that part 2 of the DLC will make up for the lackluster release of the first part, which included material that was predominately repurposed & cut content.

Pimped out truck? That hunk of junk looks little different from the trucks that GMC regurgitates every year. No wonder they're doing poorly.

You hit it on the nose. Getting funds to create original material is one thing, but getting the funds just to acquire the licensing is a whole other story.

You can bake your own twinkies at home easily.

Other sites has given steeper discounts for the same games.

Get Uncharted.

In all honesty, BL2 overrated. I'm not saying that it's not fun, but the entire game becomes very mundane when you realize that the only thing it has going for it is weapon collecting & kooky characters. These things can only hold your interest for so long

Watch the video and answer your own question.