Where can I find it?
Where can I find it?
Maybe I should sign up to be ask a pastry chef
I still have some belly fat ( standard frat boy build atm) But fuck yeah my arms are fucking huge
I know. I felt like i could just go and punch a bald eagle in the face and wrestle a bear. it was grab. but anyone I replaced that shit with kettlebells
No I broke the band, the rubber snapped.
Girl, lemme tell you. So my fat ass decided I needed Pecs and a sex pack by the time My BFF's wedding rolls around. So I gets myself some p90x and some resistance bands.
This might be terrible, but shouldn't they be trying for like Chipotle? Its like a double whammy of terrible, not only do you have to suck some troll dick, but then you get to wash ti down with Mcdonald's "meat" Detestable. Not hating on sex work if that's what makes your world go round, but so many of these men and…
LOl dont get me started on the Greyjoys. ugh
Guys, I have a confession to make. I totally wanted to hop on Oberyn Martel, I mean good lord. So witty, such a badass. Him and Bron. and I don't care if Brienne was mannish, I would eat her out like a leg of goat.
Needs more love on top
I wipe! I really do I just end up with skid marks.
Thanks. ILL give it a shot
Baby wipes rule my life.
Blue Sky Black death. ALL DAY
OMFG want. I just read it
what freddy merucry pincess di story?
The service industry Is a networking hive, just make friends and when you get tired of your regulars and your asshole cooks, go to the next place. people knock waiting tables but I have servers at my job who rake in double my salary while going to shcool.
Oh Blessed precious.... I still quote that shit