
I'm paying 580/mo in loans. I feel you girl. hardcore style

write it down, at the very least you can post it to a fanfiction website

Well, there goes my evening.

I am a POastry chef ( CIA here, I know we're mortal enemies) And I'm the assistant pastry chef for a 1500 room hotel and for a large company thatstarts with an M. I feel you I just found out that my minions make 12/hr and I pull 13.... been doing this for 13 years and fml.

Chris clark. Start with growls garden. and teh yeah yeah yeahs. they are ahmazing

I'm a professional pastry chef, and I run all my tools ( and some from home) through our industrial boiling water and bleachy chemicals dishwasher at work. twice. every day. this article grosses me out, hence why I clean with bleach water.

tammy faye baker?

vote for posh spice, who rejuvenates her vampy looks with the semen of her delicious husband

I have a gluten allergy and am a vegetation, I made really spicy vegetarian has so many beans

you know, nasa is working on a warp drive

IKr. so gross

Oh I really hope so. There would be hope for me one day sitting on his face. *sigh*

Shangela says it all

Thanks all for the legit advice, It wasnt like I saw asking to hang out all the time, it just kinda happened that way. I think we just need to pump our brakes a bit

So my boyfriend and I are taking a step back in our relationship, we've been seeing each other daily for about 4 months and he's starting to get a little freaked out. I think it's because he's having issues with how attached he's getting but I'm no shrink. I'm fine solo and can do my own thing a couple nights a week

I'm the Assistant Pastry Chef at a pretty big hotel, but because It's cooperate my guys can get a way with murder more or less because HR is full of pusses and I end up doing teh lion's share. Oh well, just more improvement and practice for me.

As a fellow Baker/pastry chef I feel your pain, my boss keeps calling me in on my days off. so I've worked 19 in a row

cut them in half longways and use a spoon, as a chef ive had to peel a shitload of eggs

I'm listening to blue sky black death. pretty rad

Im immunocompromised, and i keep getting ti this year. fml