Good thing Nic Batum and Wesley Matthews are known for their perimeter defense.
Wow, I wish I'd thought of that before making a joke with that exact thing as the unstated punchline.
If this kid keeps kicking my chair, I'm going to strangle him in front of his parents, Justin, and Puff Daddy.
I'm all about team unity, but really, another Texans stroke?
That's what it used to look like when I'd switch to the wrong player on defense in NBA 2K.
It's nice that Marshall is paying lip service to the issue, but he's blatantly ignoring the most dangerous locker room culture in the league: Tampa Bay's.
Richie could have avoided this if he had just remained anonymous. Like, worn a disguise, or gone undercover or something. I swear there is a word for this, it's just hidden from me right now.
Much to my dismay/devastation, this past July/August, I became a member of that 2% club (initial diagnosis came at 18 weeks, but took about 2 extra weeks for subsequent testing with multiple experts and actual surgery). My husband I were experiencing grief and despair on a level that I had previously thought was…
Jezebel: Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women, and Your One Stop Shop for Late 80s/Early 90s David Duchovny Small Role Film Trivia. Without Airbrushing.
Jeez. Probably time to pull the plug on this Schiavo guy.
Just look at how excited he is. This is the happiest he's been in 45 years