
This is ableist, reductive black-and-white thinking. If you actually believe this word-for-word, why apply it selectively to the people who seek alternative methods of conception (mostly same-sex couples and those struggling with fertility)? Shouldn’t your hard-line “this is how it is”-ism apply to anyone who wants

Due respect but why in the whole wide world doesn’t the headline say women AND GIRLS???

THANK YOU.  For fuck’s sake. 

This is generous. It’s much more likely that the guest talent coordinators are a) morons, b) glad-handing jobs given to the children of powerful conservative, c) both. Broadcast talent wouldn’t deign to dig into these kinds of logistics, and anyone who’s interned in media or broadcasting even once knows how to get

One day you will endure something terrible. When you do, I hope you remember you behaved this particular way, you cynical, hypocritical piece of trash.

Yep. It’s worth adding that this neighborhood is littered with private schools, and that 100% of these parents would cheer an idential program if it roped of 25% of an elite private school and made it available to their own children. The eyeroll’s enough to give a person whiplash.

This is the worst kind of clickbait, and a hard pass. “Modify your art to be more consumer-friendly to me, a specific consumer” is some Lefsetz-style talk, and I’m surprised to see it here. There is nothing cool, funny or edgy about saying there’s a sole right way and a bunch of wrong ways to perform and/or consume

Yes this! This is the feeling. In fact, volunteering (for the ACLU) has only made this more tangled. It’s tremendously rewarding, but basically requires reengaging with the quicksand that is the general state of things.

You’re not *actually* this stupid. Accountability and awareness are two different things. People who are inclined to commit sexual assault - especially those who use it as an instrument of power — are *more* likely to do it if they think the odds are good they get away with it. They’re less likely to do it if they

If it makes you feel better to hear “If men who prey on women are going to listen to anyone, it is only going to be other men”, fine. But that’s pretty pedantic. Does that actually make it any better? (Spoiler: no.)

You missed something crucial here: MEN WHO PREY ON WOMEN ONLY LISTEN TO THE FEEDBACK OF MEN. This is not abstract, it is concrete. It is demonstrably true.

Someone help — Wasn’t there a Slot or other article predicting that in just a matter of weeks Trump would walk out of this very elevator and babble something horribly, demonstrably racist? I can’t shake the feeling that there’s an article that predicted (manifested?) this exact press conference.

YES! Thank you. I also do this, always.

It’s the moment a younger man becomes his boss, or he tells a story about his time in high school and the woman he’s trying to pick up responds with a story about her dad.


I attended the full DC rally ahead of the March, and FWIW it did *some* to dissuade this worry. Speeches from Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, in particular, were fiery as hell. They took attendees to the mat and were well-received for doing so. It was a shame that many attendees couldn’t hear it, and that the

I actually think she did this just right. The court *shouldn’t* speak directly to politics in this way, no matter how much I might agree with her (and everything she does, says, wears, etc.). And echoing others I’m glad she apologized only for speaking up, not for what she said.

+1M. Thank you for understanding Drake and his rap songs.