Princess Catnip

Are you from California? Because that superficial overly polite social anxiety bullshit is what drove me fucking crazy there.

I think he is actually using this fake rubber hand! It’s the exact same color.

I’m enough of a geek to want to figure out what she really gets to take home from that $20,000 a night, if she has to pay two other performers and her agent and manager out of it. So she gets $20,000, then her manager and her agent each get 10% ($4,000). And she gives her friend a third, and that’s ... let’s say

Yeah, I’ve said elsewhere, but I’ve had personal experience with this. Some deeply unfair compensations were being made and talking about our salaries amongst ourselves was the only way it changed.

We saw her at a smaller club last year. Excellent show. She comes across as genuine, which I think is pretty rare for a comedian.

The way salaries are kept opaque makes it so difficult to be paid fairly. This is a gender problem, but it’s also a problem that affects all workers. Wages have stayed flat across the board for a reason.

Maria Bamford is a national treasure. Her bit about “The Secret” is still up there as one of my favorite comic moments of all time. I still crack up over it if it finds its way into my head.

awesome. i love taking away the stigma around talking about money, especially for women

From that photograph, it looks like Streep could play Lagerfeld in a bio-pic. And you know she would be fabulous in it.

You just made think about these two fucking.

This is going to keep happening until Americans stop seeing illegal immigrants as less than, no matter how many crimes they’ve committed or how much of a threat they pose. As an immigrant (though not illegal, the sentiment is the same) I can assure you the overwhelming majority of us comes with hopes of having a

not only that but what happens to her kids? it says she was married but is that the children’s father? there are a lot of kids who are citizens and their parents get deported... and guess what? they end up in the foster care system, which in itself is a really huge ethical, moral issue, but COSTS HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS

Jesus christ. With all of the problems law enforcement and our legal system need to be concerned with... we’re fucking throwing out human beings like we’re throwing out the trash. Dammit people! Just... dammit.

Calm down snowflake.

Bobby Moynihan’s horror face as Glenn Thrush is just me everyday now.