Princess Catnip

He’s been periodically deleting all his tweets at fairly regular intervals for literally years.


Since we’re all going to die in a nuclear holocaust in the next 24 months, what are you going to start blowing your savings on to enjoy the time you have left?

We’re extremely fucked.


Hey, so how fucked are we? Honest answer.

The Darkest Super Bowl

Drew Magary’s Thursday Afternoon NFL Dick Joke Jamboroo runs every Thursday during the NFL season. Email Drew here.

It’s sort of interesting to contrast this situation to the Obamas. As Jodi Kantor reported in her book on Barack and Michelle, Michelle at first wanted to stay with Sasha and Malia in Chicago, at least in the short term.

I’m torn. I’m a veteran of the 1st Iraq Shit Show and the Cold War. I didn’t join out of patriotism, I was in a crappy small town and I wanted out. It worked. Being the military actually MADE me a Liberal. (Kind of hard to hate people for the color of their skin when you share a life with them, hard to hate


Yes, wear a shirt with a slogan on it. Yes, put a bumper sticker on your car. Yes, flood your social media feed with

Her inflections sounded like Obama’s to me and I can’t decide if it’s actually there or I just miss Obama a bunch.  

This is some petty shit and I am living for it.

This is a crazy time stream we’re in. I wonder what’s happening in the reality that has Hillary as POTUS.