Princess Catnip

I loved, loved this line and laughed so hard: “Let me detail all the off-ramps I set up on Smash Highway.”

I’ll tell you what the modern scientific approach is from a “practicing scientist” perspective. It’s “Can I get this funded?” “How many post-docs or grad students can I afford?” And most of all, “Will this get me tenure?”

Never thought I’d be counting on people like Macron and Merkel to save the free world from the likes of Trump, but here we are.

Re: Trump: I started volunteering to help register people to vote.

I just want to see the crab move over and over and over. <3

I’m not a lawyer, but I would suggest that you have a bad lawyer.

This is why Americans are beginning to support more train travel. We hate the nickel-and-diming, the security theatre, the small seats, and the rudeness. Seriously fuck all the U.S. airlines.

You all are overthinking this AND missing the fact that Maxine is a politician with many, many, many years of experience. If anyone is getting played, it’s most likely the youngins.

Fuck Trump, Miller, Ivanka, Bannon, and the whole lot of them.

Yes, I definitely mean United. And it’s not just about the money, I hope his case changes the way United treats its customers.

It’s not even about boycotting them now. I’d be terrified of getting near a United airplane.

I hope he gets excellent legal representation.

The Russiagate hearings are going to be very interesting when Team Trump and Team Bannon start testifying against each other.

Gamergaters again. Yawn.

This is like those TV shows and movies that “coincidentally” had scenes of airplane hijackings or the Twin Towers getting hit and were slated to come out after 9/11. They got cancelled and for good reason! This movie should not be released now—and probably not ever.

That’s technically true because Gamergate is in the White House.

I don’t have a question, I’m just freaking out. I called my local state House Representative’s office without knowing what to say and ended up having about a 15 min conversation with a staffer about what’s happening with immigration and Trump and worrying that banning “safe cities” is all about enabling Trump to send

Population by country:

You’re going to have a busy four to eight years.