
Alternately, my dad had to physically intercede between my brothers (both big, very close in age, and both pretty short-fused) a lot when we were teenagers. OTH, he was never intoxicated when he did so.

But who fucking knows, right? This is all speculation.

I really wish I knew what this was because it kind of bums me out. I’ve got big boobs and don’t always wear a bra to yoga (BUT ALWAYS UNDERWEAR, and only in tops that already have shelf-bras). I’ve definitely had mid-class nip slips, and sometimes just really obvious nipples.

I worried about it up until about six

The Midwest still did that in the ‘90s. So weird.

I think I’m slightly older than you (but still post-Cold War) and these resemble our earthquake drills.

Which is hilarious because I grew up in the Midwest.

Ha, so you know much more about this I do.

I personally find Vice a little inconsistent, but they have done some great stuff. And when they do it’s really, really great.

I also know they’ve committed to paying their freelance writers more and that they’ve hired some really talented new staff in the last couple of months, so they should only be getting better.


I’ve been saying this since before he clinched the nomination, but I’ve also been wrong about nearly everything this election cycle so far.

Here’s hoping I got this one right.

THAT IS SO AWESOME and I am super jealous.

I went to the j-school. I admit that it was hard to hold back the snark when you called us ‘decent.’ :)

I’m no policy wonk, but ending the drug war, making mental health care and addiction treatment more accessible, and more needle exchanges would be a start.

Vancouver has also had a fair amount of success with their safe injection site:

And you might know this, but Cook County has drug

Shout out to the non-profits too! ProPublica in particular, and InsideClimate, which was all over the ND pipeline protests before almost anyone else.

Starring a lot of your comments because you’ve nailed it. I’ve lived almost everywhere but the South and can say with some certainty that heroin is and has been a problem elsewhere for a while.

Rocky Mountain region: The first person I knew personally to die from an overdose was an acquaintance from high school. He was

omg this is the OTP

Same. I finally gave in to the “media is fucking everything up” drum half my friends on FB beat relentlessly because, guess what, the media fucked everything up.

I’m so glad someone else said this so I know it wasn’t a hallucination. Everyone in my IRL life is either “what’s Orphan Black?” or “who’s Peaches?”

YES. He gets so more time, freedom, and money at HBO. You couldn’t do 15-minute investigative segments on TDS. Plus he has the best swears!

SO MAD because he gave the commencement speech this June. I graduated from Northwestern in December.

My only consolation is that because it was a smaller ceremony and only for Master’s students, we got (free!) champagne.


RIGHT?? I met an aesthetician who does house calls in Hollywood. Apparently Paris’ house is just filled with pink glittery shit and boutique marijuana. I’M SO HERE FOR THAT.

From 2005 - 2010 I was seriously convinced that her whole shtick was actually high-concept performance art.

I’m wrong about a lot of stuff.