YES. I am confused as to why the design is named “helix” and not something more pasta-oriented.
YES. I am confused as to why the design is named “helix” and not something more pasta-oriented.
Weird. I only made it as far as the 7th and hadn’t read the Vulture recap. I didn’t pick up on any of that subtext. Then again, I only watched because I’m out with a cold and needed something I could fall asleep during without actually missing any plot.
I liked Boogie Nights. And she might’ve okay in Flight of the Conchords, but I actually don’t know because I was distracted by all the awesome.
“I’m 1/16 Cherokee, 1/8 Irish, 1/16 Scottish, I think my great-grandmother may have been part black but no one talked about it, 1/32 Cree, part Jewish but my family converted in the 17th century, and my grandma’s from Texas so I’m probably part Hispanic too”
But weren’t the Aryans Iranian or something? (gets confused, wanders off).
I once had a Scottish friend that would get SO MAD every time Americans claimed they were Scottish because they had a great-grandparent or two who immigrated.
She was also quite the shit-stirrer, so she would always yell “You’re not fuckin Scottish!” in her incredibly thick Edinburghian accent. Usually the offender…
But how many have succeeded?
(really asking, I don’t have a dick. it seems like it could be possible, though...?)
Just in case you haven’t seen this yet:
(Don’t worry, it’s nothing weird, just Adele riding around in a car being an absolute gem of a human being.)
I feel like I’ve been saying this all fucking day, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who noticed.
These poll numbers are the natural consequence of a ridiculous and poorly written question. I won’t dispute that education in the US is poorly funded and the GOP is to blame— but let’s say you’re taking the survey. (I tracked down the original.) The question only gives you three options: Support, Oppose, or Unsure.…
While no one should be advocating the bombing of a fictional place, the question was posed without a correct answer. (I checked the methodology.)
Something weird is happening with my Kinja. I’m not sure if you’re getting any of my replies but ignore them. Unless it’s the one where I get excited about tardigrades, because they are awesome.
Okay, I didn’t type that comment. I went on about the biological curiosities of tardigrades and it changed to some nonsense about carrots??? halp
Plus, tardigades are super cool! They can live at temperatures at both ends of the spectrum that would kill almost anything else. They live at extremely high altitudes and at the bottom of the deep ocean. They can slow their metabolism to the point where they’re basically dead and then come back to life! Heaven forbid…
I shudder to think what police brutality apologists might say in response to this.
and responsible gun owners should have no reason to fear waiting periods or background checks. why is it so necessary to GET A GUN EXACTLY WHEN I WANT IT NOW? If the actually responsible gun owners and the gun control folks could get alone in a room without the NRA and the militia fantasists, maybe we could get…
Interesting data. I’m not a stats person, but at this point is it fair to say that there’s been an upward trend since 2004 (when the assault weapons ban expired)? It looks like yes, but is the huge dip around 2010 statistically significant?
Just dropping by to say that you sound genuinely interested and aware of your upbringing and good on you for asking a question in good faith, even though you seem to be catching a lot of flak for it.
My only aside is that this the idea that whites have no culture— it’s funny, because there totally is a white culture,…
I mean... he lied about something he did while on assignment and it was re-reported by his network as news. What’s more, an internal NBC report revealed 10 more incidents where he “embellished” reporting or anecdotes about his reporting, including while on assignment during Katrina and Tahrir Square. The work itself…