with all due respect to Brian Williams, he made shit up. we sure we want to hold him up like he’s some kind of paragon? he has done great work, but the minute you make something up you’re out of the club.
with all due respect to Brian Williams, he made shit up. we sure we want to hold him up like he’s some kind of paragon? he has done great work, but the minute you make something up you’re out of the club.
that was a killer line and didn’t get nearly the attention it deserved.
real question: what state do you live in?
and: how do we get more of you?
Dunno if you noticed, but Trump himself is pretty rude. And not like, “let me quietly read my book” rude, but “I’m going to criticize opposing candidates in the media based on their appearance” and “publicly release a political rival’s personal phone number” rude.
I’d never thought about this before but holy shit, that’s pretty profound.
starred for use of ‘huswifery’
I love that you’re paying attention to this to a maybe-excessive degree.
What other shows do costuming super well?
i mean... have you seen the show? there’s a lot of skin and sex, sure, but there’s also a lot of courtroom and classroom and sitting around Annalise’s mansion freaking out at each other fully clothed (or sometimes just partially clothed). stop the show in any episode at any time and it’s far more likely that Souza…
as if this story wasn’t fucked up enough already. this makes me incredibly sad.
no, more like... why would you do that to ice cream? who told you that was a good idea? pls let me know if you tried it
Do you use Snapchat? Check out National Geographic’s stories on Discover sometime. It’s pretty amazing.
Well, periods are supposed to be divine punishment anyway, right? So obviously these heinously painful periods are probably these girls’ faults. :/
That’s the kind of Christmas I could get behind. That, and Jesus and I totally share a religion and most political views! But try telling the Mormons that.
Speak for yourself.
I think I would like Christmas a lot more if the Christian half of my family drank or allowed people to drink around them.
I’m abandoning Christmas this year. I’m not fucking Christian and I’m not fucking going back to Utah. YOU CAN’T MAKE ME
Me too, friend. And I am well within stumbling distance from my apartment.