
I don’t have kids, but they seem expensive and like they require a lot of budgeting. I totally see how this comes off as silly and expensive in a very special GOOP-y way.

I was busy hoping someone had finally invented a boozy cigarette

I adopted a kitten in March and one of the first thoughts I had was I’m gonna be devastated when she dies.

Oh woooowwww. I read this:

I’m getting the same vibe from some of these comments. If you have a lot of time/energy or you really enjoy making a ton of different purees, portioning them out and storing them properly, that’s cool.

But judging people who may work full-time or have multiple kids or maybe just hate cooking for streamlining the

If I work somewhere with killer mat leave, then yes, I will make my own baby food.

If it makes you feel better, I had pretty cosmopolitan tastes for a toddler—spicy peanut noodles, seafood, whatever counted as daring in the late ‘80s.

Hatch was my senator for a while. I strongly dislike him because of his hardline social conservatism. I had to double check this, but it seems you are mixing him up with someone else—he vote yes on a constitutional ban on marriage equality and no on expanding the definition of hate crimes to include the LGBTQ

Go live your truth, but I humbly submit that if you’re in a state with closed primaries, you might consider staying in the party to vote against any anti-choice contender that arises.

Eh, the problem with #2 is the Dems can’t actually do much about it legislatively speaking, since the party in power has overwhelming incentive not to. This is going to fall to the courts, which might actually be for the better.

It’s almost like they don’t have faith for those voters to ever come to the polls, which is not only shortsighted, but incredibly patronizing to those voters.

Dems seem to be relying on a promised demographic shift in the future while refusing to build a present relationship with those same voters. smdh

per capita abortions actually went up

seriously. “won’t you just compromise your right to medical care and bodily autonomy for a weak-sauce ‘economic message’ and our continued spinal atrophy dressed up as ‘centrism?’”

[oh, and while we’re at it: please stop asking the police not to kill unarmed citizens. that’s just radicalism, plain-and-simple.]

people are missing the fact that you’re hella sarcastic, right?

It’s a Rube Goldberg machine of murder.

I know every was all hype for Dany/Jon, but can we talk about the fact that Jorah + Lyanna Mormont are on a high-speed collision course? I CANNOT WAIT.

soooo with Dany there’s this whole “prince” in High Valyrian or whatever language is actually gender neutral, which is why she might be the fulfillment of that prophecy.

Is the same true of valonqar? And, is it necessarily her brother? If it’s not gender- or relation-specific, it could still be Arya (maybe I’m just

Yeah, I’ve started really wondering about the pacing this season. A reviewer (at Vulture, I think?) pointed out that in previous seasons, the battle for Casterly Rock and/or the Reach would have been allotted an entire episode. Not that I’m a huge fan of battle-heavy episodes, but they sort of make sense as lynchpins

I actually like her in general, probably mostly because she spared us the indignity of Tamzin Merchant as Dany—but that scene was the worst piece of acting I’ve seen in ages (and I watched Zoolander 2 this weekend)

also, Martin O’Malley, then and probably now too tbh, and, of course, pre-scandal John Edwards.