
plus eyes the color of a clear mountain lake and actual, luscious hair?

like kind of fuck Trudeau for turning out to be an empty fuckboy in the tradition of many political scions, but also let’s fuck Trudeau

I’d consider Shkreli if and ONLY IF it was in exchange for that Wu Tang album.

It sounds like maybe the equivalent of a keurig, but for fresh-squeezed juice? Like yeah, obviously it’s easier/cheaper to just brew coffee, but people like Keurig and it works for offices. (I don’t like Keurig, personally, but what do I know? I’m here for the free coffee.)

RIP Jim Matheson

he always looks like he’s being strangled by his shirt collar.

(the first time i typed it came out ‘shit color’ and i almost kept it)

What I see is the Angry White Man’s favorite slightly pretentious high school teacher who really built a sense of identity for his favorite boys and who treated girls slightly like shit.

Just like Trump is a bad dress-up version of a rich dude, complete with badly decorated dream house?

I think I’m starting to see a pattern here.

ETA: someone needs to write a paper on this aesthetic philosophy—bad dress-up versions designed to appeal to very real people for nefarious ends.

Yes we can.

I think Obama probably prefers slimmer cut suits. I bet they share shoes, though.

I would support this kind of boycott, but still, I wonder if those same Fox/Breitbart audiences would actually care, or whether they’d just see it as more evidence of bias.

“See, [insert organization] won’t even attend briefings! How do they know the real story? FAKE NEWS!”

Lots of people very, very far from Washington

I am also asking that they stop covering his bullshit, ego-stroking events.

So I guess what we’re doing here is using different metrics. I’m looking at sheer numbers: Since 2000, Democratic presidential candidates have won at least 69% of the Jewish vote. So if you say “Jews in general vote conservative because of their views on Israel,” your premise is wrong. Most American Jews don’t vote

I read this as completely satirical, poking fun at the kind of “it’s about time” attitude you describe. Bobby Finger’s style is generally tongue-in-cheek and flippant. I could see being annoyed if you took the post at face value, though.

I mean, I’m no academic but this:

Depends on what population you’re talking about, I guess. American Jews overwhelmingly vote Democratic. Of course, there are hardliners that support conservatives, but that’s true of basically every demographic.

It’s true that many American Jews, particularly older ones, strongly favor a neo-liberal or even

A leftist friend of mine used to pass around a really great pamphlet about how to criticize Israel without falling into stereotypes, and even called out some of the more subtle ones.

I wanted to find a link but it is lost in the annals of the internet.

Someone mentioned this offhand downthread, but IIRC, some early (Jewish) opponents to the philosophy of Zionism* were concerned that it would be a cover for further segregating Jews on a global scale. Like, you’ve got a place now! Go there! And then the leaders of non-Jewish nations can justify all sorts of

Because I didn’t realize it was a trilogy either, I read Year of the Flood first and was kind of meh about it. (Though I liked it much better toward the end.)

Should I read Oryx and Crake if I wasn’t crazy about the second novel? I was intrigued when those characters showed up in YotF but I’m reading some other stuff

Based on quick-draw Google searches, California has 3 million more people than Canada.

And you know that once you invite California, Washingon and Oregon are going to want to come. And then New York will look at you seductively, and before you know it, you’re spelling colour wrong and using Fahrenheit.

Things Trump has made great again:


That’s all I got.

STAHP I’ve been trying not to fangirl over Trudeau because I realize how problematic he is but this photo is really fucking things up for me.