
I would often call cabs and wait for a really long time, or just crash where I was. My guy friends would either crash or walk for ages to get home. Of course, I was in Salt Lake City, so it wasn't as bad as it could be. There were cabs, though not many, and bus service doesn't stop at 6 (it stopped at 8!!)

That's so weird. I got my Mirena in UTAH and no one said squat. No, actually, scratch that- I explained (unprodded, because I was in nervous super-explainy mode) that I was going to grad school and didn't want to worry about getting knocked up. The doc and resident following her were like "yep, we both made the same

For the first, I dunno, eight months I would get periods like the ones you describe every six weeks or so. I've had it for exactly a year now and I'll spot randomly, but by the time I get a pantyliner in there it's over. For some women they disappear entirely and for some they don't. I'm hoping mine do.

Everyone: "No, installation isn't that bad, really, it's fine."

Got the boobs and not the butt. I guess I'll blame the WASP side?

Which is really fucking unfortunate because the asshole is JEWISH and a. would probably rail against anyone applying similar stereotypes to him (as I would) and b. is NOT HELPING.

P.S. on behalf of all non-racist Jewish people I apologize.

That's a pretty adorable glance.

You're lucky if that's all it gets you.

I thought at least two of them were Americans of Japanese descent? I could be mistaken, but I kinda remember reading that somewhere in the aughts.

Which one is this? I am mesmerized by his eyebrows.

Yeah but... who cares if you were weird-lookin? Everyone but the most blessed among us went through an awkward phase, looks-wise. Now, if you were a KKK member, a cat-torturer or a member of a boy band in 8th grade, you better hope those photos never see the light of day.


I moved away from Utah three months ago and don't miss it AT ALL, but the food culture is actually pretty good in Salt Lake. Some people are going to go to the mats with you on this (I won't), but I will say that it's better than you'd expect, with a thriving vegan/vegetarian scene if you're into that.

That's actually pretty genius. Kickstarter, anyone?

This story is AMAZING and is going in the imaginary box where I keep parenting tips for my maybe-someday chilluns.

This screenshot makes me unbelievably happy; then irrepressibly sad at the number of Interneters who passed it by.

Jez is behind the news- my local NPR affiliate reported on this two days ago- and they called a store somewhere in the upper Midwest to ask how sales were. The grocer said he couldn't keep it in stock. So, in some markets, at leastm you're right— Coke is right on the money. People are at least picking it up for a

I feel so terrible for this little girl, for all the reasons you've listed an also this: Since she was a toddler, she has been consistently given the message that the most important thing about her is the way she looks. And sure, yes, she is a beautiful kid and will likely be a stunning young woman. But the idea that

I think that poster might be an outlier- I'm in my mid-twenties, not super fashionable but I can think of three or four classic Jackie ensembles right off the bat. I would say much of my peer group would agree. I'm a media/political junkie, though, and have been since I was a kid, so it's possible that I'm the outlier

I love that about half a second into the "subscribe now" screen, they seem to realize they're pointing at leftward guy's dick. Or maybe I just have dicks on the brain now. #thanksMiley

The boys are too pretty and I'm not familiar enough with original to have any opinions about the cover itself.

ETA: The "Achey Breaky