
Yes, I agree. I also think *most conspicuous consumption is just embarrassing. I can understand wanting a nice thing that has some utility. Like having a nice car (within reason) or a big house with lots of space to entertain (within reason again), etc. but when there is no legitimate function, except to say, look at

What I find funny about most paid cosmetic DLC is that it is not desirable at all. Like I would be embarrassed to wear it. I mean, yes, some of it looks cool and makes your character look like a badass, but at the same time, I feel like if I were to wear something like that it would just make me look like a sucker.

He was, but then, pretty much ever mainline Ubisoft character was.

On second thought... no... please change, Ubisoft.

This makes me feel old.  The Intellivision was my first home console.  I’m also old enough to remember when Tommy Tellarico was cool... I used to watch The Electric Playground whenever I had the chance.

It’s a shame The Anacrusis is awful.

My name is Zweig...

Sooo.... PC version?

You can thank Blizzard for that.

Arguably, getting “spooked” by something out of the ordinary is not a sign of stupidity. For a prey animal it’s a sign of intelligence. Not trusting something that seems strange or foreign is how generations of prey animals have evolved over millennia to stay alive.

I mean we still have at least two more releases to go until FFVII is done, but I do agree that I would love to see a remake of FFIX.  The world needs more Steiner and Vivi.

You magnificent bastard.

Yep. Honesty is the best policy. People try to contort themselves into ridiculous explanations and justifications when so often the truth really is the best defense.

Correction: Tom Hiddleston has always been the low-key best actor in the MCU.

Not a vegan myself. Personally, I like meat and dairy too much to make the sacrifice, but I find it genuinely hard to believe that you can’t understand a vegan’s motivation for wanting vegan options to taste like their non-vegan counterparts.

Tree pretty.

Probably for damn good reason.  This whole comment thread strikes me as one of the dumber things I’ve seen on Kotaku, and that’s saying a lot...

Wow dude... chill. Not everything is about MS vs. Sony.

Then you must be very easily frustrated, because you are absolutely missing the point of my argument.

lol... the kind of drugs that make me understand that corporations do not behave altruistically.