So basically, shitty 15 year old kid, does the kind of thing shitty 15 year old kids think are funny, tries to come up with justification after the fact. Alright... moving on then.
So basically, shitty 15 year old kid, does the kind of thing shitty 15 year old kids think are funny, tries to come up with justification after the fact. Alright... moving on then.
No doubt there are people who do that, I just wonder what the actual percentage of those people is and if Kotaku isn’t missing on opportunities to engage with more readership by waiting for a while longer to post this kind of content.
Hasn’t this game only been out for a few days?
Haha, the name checks out.
I take your point. I guess it’s just a question of what it is that you are “countering?” Anti-venom counters the toxic effects of venom and keeps you alive.
Bullshit. The anti-Cod is clearly a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man’s hat.
Pretty sure the Anti-COD already exists. It’s called Animal Crossing.
Kinda feel like this is basic common sense. People never fail to find something ridiculous to get upset about in a Gawker comments section... I’m curious how they’d feel if a vehicle swerved into them or their family member to save a squirrel...
Not swerving to avoid small animals is like one of the first things they teach you in drivers ed. Yes, we all want to avoid running over chippie the chipmunk if we can, but swerving into oncoming traffic or a bunch of pedestrians on the sidewalk, or a car in another lane is much worse.
At least they didn’t make him part of the tour...
Yep, I remember you weren’t cool if you didn’t have “No Fear” clothing in elementary school. In high school it was “Tommy Hilfiger.”
Isn’t this just “fashion” in a nutshell?
I am pleased to say I was able to find it on Spotify, so I’m thinking it’s time for a nice hit of nostalgia.
Nice straw man, but that’s not what I said at all. What I’m saying is perhaps a decent editor would have said “hey, our official review called the game a “colossal mess” maybe either not calling the game “fantastic” in your headline, or explaining why your own opinion differs wouldn’t be a bad idea.”
Not sure about you, but I’m less inclined to put any stock in the opinion of writers on a website that can’t seem to agree whether a product is “fantastic” or a “colossal mess.”
Not sure about you, but I’m less inclined to put any stock in the opinion of writers on a website that can’t seem to agree whether a product is “fantastic” or a “colossal mess.”
Ryzen 7, RTX 4080.
Yeah, I’ve tried this game on two separate PC’s and it’s damn near unplayable on both. On my main PC, I get 15-20 second hangs that completely disconnect me from any multiplayer session I’m playing.
I know this was done by different writers but maybe some editorial direction would help this site maintain some kind of tonal consistency and credibility?