
Meh, hardly a spoiler. Anyone who has played the first hour of CP2077 knows they’re gonna have to deal with Adam Smasher eventually...

I’m not sure you understand what waivers do. They do not positively require you to perform any action. They’re just an acknowledgment that you have been explained the risks of something and have decided to do it, and generally promise not to sue if one of those risks occur.


I think one of the biggest problems with CP was that I didn’t really feel like the game scaled as well as The Wither 3. By the end I was damn near unstoppable. I could take out whole armies of guys by exploding their implants without being seen. By the endgame I kept hoping for a challenge that never came. Like I

Ironically, both it and CDPR managed to get a reputation for being transphobic, at the same time they were being hated by bigots for including trans representation.  They just couldn’t win for losing.

Not gonna lie, he was hardly the badass that they made him out to be either.  I literally took him down in about 15 seconds. 

I think “leader” may be taking things a bit far, no?

Yep, came here to say basically this. When I have access to more games than I possibly have time to play and no additional cost per game, my value proposition goes from “how much game am I getting for my buck?” to “will I have time to play this and will I enjoy it?”


Lot harder to get STD’s, pregnancy scares, arrested, etc. whackin’ it to a computer monitor though.

Lol... you can’t deny that stories about her get clicks.  Say what you will about gamers, but there are a lot of them that will click on a picture of an attractive woman (apparently myself included, so...).

I suspect you have likely checked off a box somewhere that has said “I have read the terms and conditions” with a link that takes you to a 42 page web-doc containing a bunch of jargon that is ignored by 99.999% of people. I suspect somewhere in that legal Jargon, it has indicated that you acknowledge that the license

Sir, this is a Wendy’s...

For sure. I’ve generally argued against the enforcability of ex-post facto TOS, but it’s still an open debate. They’re certainly going to argue that for a digital purchase etc. the terms of service are generally agreed to before the purchase and that there is binding consideration on both sides.

If I obtain a key legally, I’m legally allowed to give it away, trade it or sell it

I sure hope the development wasn’t a restaurant.

Wow, that is so cringe...

This comment kindof reeks of “whatbaoutism.”

Yes, I also find it funny that a significant element of the story was, “Hey, the Toronto police handled this properly, the London police did not” translates into: