
I know absolutely nothing about them aside from what is in this article, and SWATing is definitely a terrible thing to happen to anyone, but I gotta admit, there does seem to be a bit of grandstanding going on here. The whole, “I started an gofundme so I can move strikes me as a bit over-dramatic and opportunist.”

As someone born and raised in London, ON., I hate to say that you are absolutely right.

I’m confused by this article.  The headline says the lawyer was ordered to pay costs (which is possible, but quite rare), then later in the article it says “Brooks Entertainment” was ordered to pay costs (which is very common and pretty much expected.)  Which was it?

I’ll be honest, I rarely see anything positive about gaming on Kotaku these days. It seems to be a gaming site that loathes gamers and videogames.

That’s funny, because I feel like Kotaku almost has nothing but universal praise for Gamepass.


Batman is dead. Long live Batman.

Joker devlolving into multiple personalities in order to fulfill his need for duality after the death of batman would be kindof amazing, but would also totally make sense for the character.  I’d definitely be down for that plot twist.

You know what cats do in sandboxes, right?

I’m less inclined these days to allow Kotaku to inform my opinion of a game before playing it.  Gone are the days when I implicitly trusted their opinions.

Sounds like something B.F. Skinner would have used to describe behaviour in a rodent. Chilling to hear so casually applied to people.

Welcome to late-stage capitalism! Enjoy your stay!

But were you able to put them back together?

I mean is anyone really surprised that this came together easily, since it’s basically just a re-implementation of a 50 year old game with letters instead of colours?

Fuck, you almost had me agreeing with you, just a tiny little bit (or at least seeing your point of view), until you started bringing your religious bullshit into the argument.

I do find it funny that AMC, despite being a completely different and unrelated business, despite having a similar short thesis as GME got dragged into this article. Like was this article written to talk about Gamestop or to dunk on so- called “meme stocks?”

True enough. I still remember adolescent me emailing Nintendo and asking them why they were making “Babies first Zelda.” I actually got a very nice and measured response from NOA.

I suspect those numbers are skewed by observation bias. Most people are “gamers” to one degree or another, even though they may not self-identify as such. Most of those people couldn’t care less. The loud, toxic, annoying and obnoxious ones are just the ones that we see because they stand out and the internet gives