
I love a good ol’ fashioned button masher. I’m especially loving this one for a totally different reason. I put a controller into the hands of my three year old son this weekend and sat him on my lap. He said he wanted me to be the orange one and he wanted to be the purple one.

Um, those are standard issue news reporter cover-alls dude. Do you want her getting your daily dose of all the hot, juicy news, all over her nice clothes? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Keep in mind that in those days, a computer capable of playing Jedi Knight, System Shock, MDK etc. was out of the price range for a lot of people, and Golden-eye really was their first experience of a good FPS. I think the fact that it was on a console was still fairly important and revolutionary for its time. I mean,

Goldeneye had some notable flaws that were a product of it’s time and were mostly related to tech limitations, but saying it kinda sucks is bullshit.

STOP EATING PINK SLIME! It’s disgusting, and made from animal by-products and can’t possibly be good for you. I mean, just look at it!

Yep, every single headhunter in the industry just cackled with delight.

I’m not sure it’s fair to say “Breath of the Wild” became a shorthand for “open world games.” I think it became synonymous with a certain kind of open world game. For example, most of us wouldn’t confuse or compare an open world “vomit a bunch of icons on a map” game from Ubisoft with a “Breath of the Wild” style

“’Gizmo get out the dildos, Gizmo try out the dildos, Gizmo how were the dildos’…THEY WERE FINE”

Oh, I know, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to call em out on it when it’s completely unnecessary, like in this (non) story.

Doesn’t look similar at all to what’s in the trailer.

Here’s the thing. I’m pro-choice. I think overall, it’s better for women to be able to chose what happens to their bodies, it’s better from an economic and sociological standpoint too.

“people are just convinced the legal system’s definition is factual rather than arbitrary”

I find your general argument interesting, but you may want to brush up on your evidence law before you start saying things that are not correct, which takes away from the more interesting and legitimate aspects of your argument.

Ori is amazing. Absolutely loved Will of the Wisps. I come close to calling it a perfect game. Relatively simple, but amazingly well executed.

Wow, please shut the fuck up and stop giving my country a bad name.

Let’s not and say that we did...

No, there really isn’t. What every single one of these “keep politics out of games” fuckwits means is “keep the politics I disagree with” out of games. How do I know this? Because not a single one of them would complain about a game where you and the US Military go to a foreign country and blow up some brown

That’s why I always endorse the use propane and propane accessories. You want to taste the meat, not the heat.

Kindof a dumb list for including coffee at #1. They seem to be confusing dangerous with ubiquitous. Yes, I’m sure coffee is involved in more “food related” accidents than T-Bone Steaks, but that’s because probably 75%+ of motorists before 9:00 a.m. have a coffee in their car. I mean, what percentage of coffees