
Agreed. If I need to eat while driving (which is unfortunately more frequently than I like due to long work commutes) I make sure to order something that is easy to eat with one hand. I find a McDonalds cheeseburger is easy to eat with one hand and doesn’t require much attention so that tends to be my go-to when

Are you sure you’re responding to the right person?

I loved every meal I ate when I went to Iceland for my honeymoon. Their seafood was amazing (expected), their lamb was the best I’ve ever had, and I had a burger that was absolutely cooked to perfection because they don’t have the same food safety rules about the temperature of ground beef that we have in Canada that

My advice is more for litigants than jurors, since litigants are directly in the judge’s eye line, but yes, there’s a very good chance the judge was aware that your co-juror was falling asleep. 

Lawyer of 10+ years here. Court is the best time to practice your poker face. No matter what is being said, keep a blank expression. Believe me, the judge sees every eye roll, every smirk, every shrug, and every anguished expression you make while the opposition is speaking, and it does not make you seem as charming

I usually just check the bag to make sure there is a straw if it isn’t in my drink. I usually assume the food order is correct, or live with it if it isn’t, but I hate when I drive off without a straw and have to decide whether to drink straight from the cup while driving and risk inevitably dumping some of it on

I feel like he’s gonna get such a beating now...

How ‘bout that co-op campaign?

The problem is that the more this kind of toxic hateful shit gets normalized the more people think it’s okay. A woman should not have to expect to be called a “bitch” when she’s playing an online game any more than she should expect it walking down the street.

Difference between “suspicious” and “beyond a reasonable doubt” though.

Wait... wait... wait... Is Lucasfilm Games a thing again? Did Disney revive them? How did I miss this?

Just wait for the twist, it was actually his time traveling ghost that worked with Bruce Willis!

Yeah, maybe not so good for the judge deciding the case who... *checks notes ... owns a yacht docked on Star Island.

At least with Aladdin and other similar animated films they got known “actors” to do the voice acting. While there is a difference between voice acting and acting, at least it’s close enough that with some tweaking, the skills are generally transferrable.

We should get the rest in a few years at least.

Don’t feed the trolls.

I look forward to buying a super yacht for pennies on the dollar at a seized property auction.

Nah, it just meant that the Settlement came with an NDA. Pretty common, and usually preferable to drawing something out in court over months/years.