He said a couple of years ago that the downturn in the economy (plus, probably the fact that being out of the game for a few years has left him behind on current systems/processes) meant he just couldn’t find work in his field.
He said a couple of years ago that the downturn in the economy (plus, probably the fact that being out of the game for a few years has left him behind on current systems/processes) meant he just couldn’t find work in his field.
Ah, that makes sense. Also makes me wonder if maybe he had female relatives with eating disordered behavior and thought that those really were normal portions.
Pizza, ice cream, popcorn.
Reminds me of that video of the woman crying because she wanted to go to the lake during the Summer. Maybe she really is crazy, nasty, and terrible... or maybe your bored wife just wanted to do something on the weekend for a change and you needled her all day and then recorded her to make her seem nuts.
And this is after HE humiliated HER over social media. People turn on him for it, and he calls his girlfriend names? What?
On the flip side, if he’s always buying the ingredients, making the food, and then serving it (and possibly cleaning up), I feel like he’s sort of entitled to the bigger portion.
He gaslit and then humiliated her. She needs to run.
she offered to buy me something and I ain’t want nuffn. but when she got it, I did. what’s da big idea give me a piece and stfu
Kind of seems like he’s hinting at the casual racism — where girls can take a compliment, people can take a joke, etc. etc.
I sort of get the idea — someone who’s classically and instantly attention-getting, someone who sort of sparkles on-screen. I do like Margot as a screen presence.
He was internet-famous and an indie darling, but the average American would have no idea who he is.
I mean, all of the fetishization of a “fit/sexy pregnancy” is bullshit and creepy as hell. You’re going through a massive physical, emotional, hormonal, and mental time. It’s exciting, it’s terrifying, it’s fun, it’s... a lot of things. It shouldn’t also feel like a fucking beauty pageant.
The weirdest thing about the post-baby body headline is that for years I didn’t understand that what was being declared was: “Look! No extra skin, no stretch marks, no sag, no lumps!” I figured it was just, “She lost the weight she gained.” Which meant that from the time I was a kid, I fundamentally misunderstood the…
If anything, this has come the closest to proving to me that it’s real and they’re ~that couple.
You know, it looks like at least one other dude in the posse had lipstick on him. Kind of seems like they all got hammered, her friends made him that t-shirt and dared him to wear it, a bunch of guys got “marked” with lipstick by their respective ladies, and they’re a bunch of relatively young people having a fun,…
Being a sensitive, funny feminist wasn’t getting him non-tumblr famous fast enough.
Wait — what are those hashtags?
Or, conversely, if they asked her to do this because it plays well with patronizing Christians who like to ‘give to the needy’.
I think it has more to do with the fact that he keeps championing mostly-female casts, and marketers still have no idea what to do with that.
Bridesmaids was perfectly good, but I don’t think it was anything special. The press and misogynistic fuss surrounding it is what turned it into such a circus.