Pope Alexander

How can you tell which twin it was?

Yeah, his Instagram is filled with a lot of “couture in empty fields” type work. Looks professional, if somewhat basic. But much better than the average 24 year old would produce, so.

He’s pretty cute as a blonde, too. But mostly the lifelong Jughead love helps.

Finding out he’s 24 really helped me feel less like an old (29) perv for finding him so cute on the show.

We’re accepting that a woman whose father died when she was ten can believe whatever the fuck she wants to about her parents, and not being assholes about her self-identity.

I’m also weirdly into Cole Sprouse.

Your private parts never really belong to you when men want to look at them, after all.

First of all how dare you.

I’m here for Thandie’s comment, but I still think Westworld was unforgivably self-congratulatory and acted like it invented some of the most rote and overplayed aspects of AI in drama.

Well, hiring a makeup artist for any big event isn’t that shocking. She was hired on specifically for the RNC.

He’s also a germaphobe, and spray tanning eventually wears off. If he’s constantly washing his hands and/or covering them in sanitizer, it makes sense. Also, as others said, the fact that he wears gloves when he golfs.

According to a makeup artist for the GOP, it’s sun beds, self-tanner, and bronzer on top.

A makeup artist for the GOP said he tans in sun beds, uses spray tan, and uses bronzer.

A makeup artist for the GOP said he both uses a sun bed and applies fake tanner AND applies bronzer, which explains why he looks like a thrice-boiled pumpkin.

Isn’t he also a germophobe? Beyond refusing to have to do anything resembling labor, I’d guess he uses a lot of hand cream.

Sunscreen is important.

I’m trying not to get too excited, but these shots of Meg just look so perfect.

I too loved Xander, but quickly switched to Oz when it was clear Xander was a whiny loser and a slut shamer.

Yeah I definitely ripped off Lindy with that hot take.

I feel like the Director’s Cut ultimately tried too hard to explain the movie. Particularly the cut scene with the psychologist. Part of the joy of it was the ambiguity.