Pope Alexander

Truck, yeah.

I think people word vomit when they're really, really angry. It's an annoying way to phrase it, but it's also pretty horrible to sexually assault someone. And someone who loves that person has a right to be angry about it.

You see him walk into the crowd and a sea of hands engulfs him as he sings, "Truck Yeah."

because The Leftovers is an extremely boring television show

Of course not. What's wrong with pushing morbidly obese people to exercise for 8+ hours a day? I mean, sure, they gain it all back afterwards and were publicly humiliated, but...

Bears just don't think about the future, man.

I agree, because I feel like this a lot of the time.

I also hate that she still defends the show's methods. Even here she doesn't condemn what they were doing. She also actively denies current nutrition research.

It's right up there with "slightly cocked head seduction moment."

I wonder if Anna Paquin's having fun with color before she needs to chop all of her hair off. Because after 7 years of bleach on hair as dark as hers' was, I'm surprised she isn't pulling it out in clumps.

Here's my problem with this story. If you read between the lines of what she said, it sounds more like the problem was that she was bigger than they had expected her to be — that the measurements her agency gave them were inaccurate. So if they pulled a bunch of dresses based on the measurements given by her agency,

The demographic of greasy cheaters who are stalking their exes because they just can't take a hint must be enormous.

The "cheating stalker who won't take a hint" must be a big demographic for them.

Look, everyone. Proof.

And, as a result, the men who think this way typically aren't dating.

With half her life still ahead of her, she was deemed to be at the end of something—namely, everything society valued in her, other than her success as a mother.

To be fair, there seem to be way more beefcake editorials for dudes in the mainstream now. Dodai practically hired a skywriter after the Joe Manganiello shoot.

Is Robert Downey Jr having a child this fall? It's seems like he's using Twitter as a ouija board.

But they still can't stock anything above a 12?

I couldn't find anything too similar at Modcloth, but look how cute this is.