Pope Alexander

Not with that hair.

She may have shopped around online to find someone who was willing to do it.

Okay, Anthony. Whatever you say.

Apparently she "attacked" him because he was taking photos of women as they walked down the street and then tweeting them. Which is a detail he surprisingly left out.

Plus the idea that ending a 20 year relationship leaves you in your mid-30s is kind of terrifying.

I'm giving all of my "more wine" votes to "hot pot of gold on my body, baby".

I thought for a while that this must be a PR stunt to promote a "concept" album, but these lyrics are definitely the kind of thing that someone would make up in a couple of months while riding high on self-pity.

To be honest, I never found him attractive until he said that. Traditionally good-looking, sure, but "attractive" is a different measurement.

And his early acting work.

Before you feel all conflicted about whether or not to lust after him, keep in mind he said this:

The animation seems off to me, but it's just because I'm so used to the original. It's definitely truer to the Manga.

Nobody would care if it weren't for Diana and her skill at producing decent-looking sons who date headline-grabbing attractive women.

This forever and ever.

There's still time for us, bb.

I'll be devastated if I find out he's a secret asshole, because he looks like he and his team have the best time on that show.

How else are you going to learn how to Harvard?

She's only like 10 in Bear Years!

I mean, my Mother's 60 now and she will clearly still be fully active and capable at 64. It depends on the 64 year old. The better question is who hires a 64 year old woman with some kind of chronic health condition to look after 3 children and clean the house in exchange for one room and some food?

Given her health condition, she probably isn't leaving the house.

Please tell me that she keeps repeating "I would prefer not to" while munching on