May I also come to Alaska and hike and ski with your girls? I promise to be timid and mystical.
May I also come to Alaska and hike and ski with your girls? I promise to be timid and mystical.
I see someone didn't go to the European School of Luxembourg in 1993.
Darling, you are just like a woman with no discernible character traits who goes crazy because some depressed dork with daddy issues doesn't want to marry you, but also doesn't want any other man to marry you, causing you to stroll around saying nonsense shit for a while before drowning yourself.
I love it.
It also seems like he's somewhat "defiant" about it, if that makes sense. Like he thinks it makes him a "renegade" in Hollywood, which always has a bit of that uncomfortable, "You know those Jews..." vibe.
Yeah, I just read that. Ugh. For the most part, he just seems smug — I couldn't care less about his religious views, but smug Christians, in general, are pretty bad.
With a name like Zachary Levi, I can't believe he's not Jewish.
Does anyone else get serious douchebag vibes from Zachary Levi? God bless him for Nerd HQ, but otherwise...
But yes — I love how great he's been in the press stuff, especially since he so rarely does it.
I stayed away because I heard it was terrible.
Cranford Revisited.
How about this gem, from Noel Clarke's instagram?
He wasn't at the premiere.
Free falcons to the first 50 subscribers.
Too late — unless you're Zachary Levi.
Nothing weird about it. Give in to reason and logic.
Awwwwwwww. Poor Baby Giraffe Doctor.
I still haven't gotten around to watching it yet, but I hear good things.
What the fuck, then.