Pope Alexander

Can I say how much my blood boils when people pull the whole, "Oh, women hate other women/are jealous of other women" thing?

Yep. Or else it's the super loose, wavy Victoria's Secret-style curls.

Yeah, I'm seeing better lighting, a more flattering angle and a "sexier" top... but I'm not looking at the hair.

I was expecting more of a transformation, to be honest.

It's not the same look.

Yes. My biggest problem is that having curly/wavy hair, hairdressers tend to say, "Well, let's not do anything too crazy the first time. Let me 'learn' you hair first."

Yes, it appears that Michelle is a marketing wizard who's basically claiming that she knows how to make people look their most attractive through hair, which is the claim of all stylists/hairdressers, yet she's actually turned it into a gimmick.

Concerntrolling, though, isn't helpful.

Shakespeare Bros for Life Ian and Patrick win the internet this week. Everybody go home.

The real problem — and it's a larger, societal problem than Goop herself — is that she's probably just hanging out with the richest folks she knows.

But then why would she need to do "the couch" if she has these connections?

It looks like a fancy ghost.

Just try not to do this magazine in future, okay?

Oh, she is for sure classist. That wouldn't even be a bombshell.

1) Sliding Doors — I liked her character, I liked the journey, which is why I hated the ending. But that's not on Gwyneth.

It's so delicious!

Her godfather Stevie gave her her first role in Hook because she earned it.

These are all of my thoughts. It's this crushingly depressing fact that on the one hand, she got more exposure at the start of her career because she was willing to do things other actresses might not have, on the other that she was cruelly and sadistically "dropped" for not continuing to do those things.

Well, as someone said downthread, it's a little hard to pretend the last 5 years of your life didn't happen. But yes. Prepare for eyerolls and unconcealed contempt.

Yeah, her stomach in particular is a little suspicious, given that she's had two kids.