They're usually the same price, fwiw.
They're usually the same price, fwiw.
Oh, Scott Eastwood. I see you trying to get a rumor started.
Fuck — the Man Booker already happened? I keep meaning to read the whole list before it's announced.
She looks exactly like her mother in that wedding photo.
So "lots of free time" is what you're saying, then.
And how much free time goes into this? Y'know, free time — the thing a single mother working two jobs doesn't really have?
Ah, there's that subtle racism.
You know it was.
It's so cute how their privilege blinds them and makes them horrific, ignorant assholes.
Ugghhhhhhh. Why are they doing this? She's 38! Let her look 38! She looks fucking amazing, but she doesn't have the skin of a 19 year old because that would be impossible.
Yep — people who think they're being "guardians" of language obviously don't understand how language works, particularly English.
I know this is intended as a joke, but Stephen Fry really set me right about Grammar Nazism and I like to pay this thoughtbomb forward as much as possible:
I just don't get this. How did she avoid rain? How could she keep this ruse up for that long?
I'm sure your husband is otherwise lovely, but feminist mansplaining makes me want to carve my eyes out.
3. You most likely couldn't get with her, before or after.
Contouring, my friend. It takes years to nail and can make you look like you've rubbed dirt into your face the first few times you try, though.
Yes and no. If I'm going to work, or a party, I do tailor my makeup and clothes to the occasion. So technically you could argue that I'm specifically putting on makeup/clothes for those people. But obviously at the end of the day, I still decide what "professional" or "glitzy" is.
Hollywood is a cold-ass place for women over 35.