Pope Alexander

lmao. Fair enough. I guess it's more that a 6'+ guy seems more likely to have a larger dong than a dude who's 5'8", but the penis is a tricky thing.

It's fear of death manifested as some kind of finger-wag.

String :(

I thought that there was at least some truth to it, due to the fact that many black people in North America specifically have gone through a very quick Super-Selection period as a result of the horrific slave conditions — ie. only the biggest and strongest were taken, then only the biggest and strongest of the biggest

Allegedly it did become a fad then, but it may have tapered off slightly until the '60s when it clearly became *huge*, but yeah. Coco Chanel got a tan and decided, "This looks awesome — I will declare pale skin the skin of losers."

Just a reminder, ladies, if you find this attractive:

In the 1920s, Coco Chanel made tanning a fad.

Yeah, notable that these women were young right when tans became "the thing."

She looks like Rebecca Hall (younger) and Vanessa Redgrave (older), respectively.


Let's be real, I would binge watch that with some pork rinds and a glazed look of muted horror on my face.

hdu. He has a SEVEN inch penis. SEVEN. I mean, come on. That is ONE inch more than average, so...

I had sex once with a woman that had 3 kids, and I noticed a difference I didn’t like. I also researched it extensively online.

Yeah — I'd bring back a shit-ton of awesome slang.

I'm just saying keep your eye on him is all.

Yeah, that's an omen right there.

Ugh, I wish I had that kind of grit. My mom did that shit all the time, too. Instead I once walked up to point out an actual flaw in a dress at H&M, just so they'd know to remove it from the floor, and the girl rolled her eyes and said, "Fine. 15% off. Happy?"

Yeah, let's be clear — my fear is like the biggest White Person Problem of all time.

Retail is for fools.