Pope Alexander

Evidently this is everyone's unspoken fear.

Yeah, exactly. Much like being in Europe, I'd just sort of hang around, enjoy the experience and try not to talk too much.

Somehow "social media skill" won't have quite the same cache.

These were all of my thoughts.

hdu. Betty White and the Seven Dwarves sounds charming.

Who is this guy dating that she asks to see the receipts for comparison shopping purposes afterwards?

Anyone who actively enjoys American cheese should be treated with mistrust and fear.

Can we talk about how Nicholas Holt's tweet is my entire fear about time travel?

It's like I'm famous.

Sounds like the sexism is mainly being directed at men, though, yes?

Ugh, Sarah Holcombe, girl. Don't do this to yourself.

Catfishing, at least as far as I understand it in this context, is simply being used to describe people who start up online relationships under false pretenses. For the most part, it seems like it's genuinely lonely people who think that they can't find anyone unless they pretend to be somebody different. Money hasn't

Oh, of course. He would say that kind of stuff to her all the time. Also his last e-mail to her was about a year ago, when he sent her a news story about a 21 year old college student who killed herself, and he made a big point of highlighting the girl's age (my friend is now 26/27) and said, "I feel terrible. She

I've always assumed it has something to do with the racist idea that all asian women are subservient and traditional. So they should just give in to "the man," etc. etc.

A little too twee for me, tbh. Feels very early 90s. And he needs to stop goat breathing between lines.

Is Miley "hiding her voice," or are we just so used to auto-tune that we're surprised that she doesn't actually need it?

Awww, I want to give him a hug.

Is this somehow unique to Asian fetishes? My friend is Chinese, fwiw.

Yep. Preying on women's insecurities = a surefire way to get laid, apparently.

Yeah — it seemed like the father was basically insinuating that she'd led him on and then couldn't be surprised if he showed interest.