Pope Alexander

Yeah — it was the worst. He started playing tennis with her father and would wait outside her church. When she told her parents, they said, "Don't make problems."

My friend had a stalker a while back who would do this. Send long, insane, self-depreciating e-mails "to himself" saying that he was scum and a worm and an adulterer that he would CC her in on, and then would casually drop comments like, "But I realize that she* is young and gorgeous now, but how soon will she be 30

I think the main problem is that we assume that anything fit/thin people are eating or drinking (or pretending to) is "healthy," as though that were the only measure of health.

My work is doing one of these "Here's one for the Christmas card!"-style charity trips to Africa. Everything about the brochure and the way the people who are going talk about it makes me think it's going to be full of this kind of white fail.

On the other hand, when I got engaged my mother responded with, "I don't know how you're expecting me to react. I guess I'm not really the kind of mom who gets excited about that."

Not at all — it puts everything on the table (literally) and anyone who doesn't want to participate doesn't have to. But that sounds fine to me.

I feel like this should be a meme. Are you feeling down? There's a Hiddleston for that.

It is an acknowledged truth that "early audience screenings" are exactly the kind of loud, interactive nightmare hell that Davies describes.

All of which is great. I didn't mean for it to sound as though the actress wasn't talented. It's just disheartening that SUCH a talented actress is limited to playing a character on TV where the "point" is that she's fat.

La Comtesse, is that you?

Yeah — that's the other thing. There's a certain amount of subconscious class shaming that is certainly at play. And a certain amount of racism as well. "Those people" get fat because they're lazy, stupid, etc.

Adding: what I suspect, especially from reading your comment, is that that's exactly what's going on. A thin person thinks, "Well, I eat burgers and donuts and I'm thin. So they must eat triple or quadruple the amount I do."

And, ironically, I see way more thin women talk about "guilty pleasure" foods, and how they "just can't resist" chips and fraps. I'm sure that there are fat people that eat nothing but junk and eat 5000 calories a day and then claim that they don't eat "that much." I'm sure that that's true. But it seems to me that my

Yeah, I didn't bother watching because I assumed they'd pull that shit. It's one of the things that makes me the hulk smashiest. I don't eat anything with sugar. I don't eat anything with flour. I walk for at least two hours a day. I don't do night snacking — I pretty much don't do any snacking. And my weight is

I was so disappointed when I read the plot for Drop Dead Diva. I thought there was some chance that they'd cast a lead based on talent, rather than weight.

Heavy emphasis on "could be." If you want a version that's not $32, though, Revlon makes a gorgeous, universally flattering (and similar) shade in "Berry Rich."

Pathetic is extreme and a little judge-y, but I do know a woman who is not only not engaged, but not even dating anyone, who has a Pinterest board called "Dream House" with a special section for the perfect nursery and her husband's office.

Given that she's a "face of" Armani cosmetics, it could be Rouge D'Armani Pink 514.

That lipstick is everything.

Not that I advocate American Apparel normally...