If you're curious about how all the versions of Titanfall hold up visually, then you should watch this graphical comparison video by IGN. Unsurprisingly, the PC version looks the best out of the three.
If you're curious about how all the versions of Titanfall hold up visually, then you should watch this graphical comparison video by IGN. Unsurprisingly, the PC version looks the best out of the three.
Let's be honest about a degree in communications not being a real degree, though.
Welp, time to shut down this burner account. Hopefully someone shuts down Colin before he gets another tattoo and commits genocide.
Meanwhile, thug Richard Sherman is busy not being in these situations and probably polishing the frame on his Stanford degree.
Fun fact: having several tattoos actually causes you to be involved in sexual assaults
I know these lists are usually a bunch of gender essentialist nonsense, and for the most part this one is no exception. However, I think "Sometimes we're just not in the mood." is actually kind of important, because the idea that men are always up for sex at any time for any reason is actually pretty damaging.
Just when you think the GIF has peaked has an art form, something like this comes along and completely blows you away.
I really, really, really want to see a followup video where we get to see Emma Watson's reaction as she sees this for the first time.
I don't know what this is or who made it or where it came from or what it means, but I do know that SOMETHING HAS…
Lastpass never fail to surprise me in their attempt to genuinely help their users security and in an easy a manner as possible.
It's a magician's secret. It's how he keeps your attention off his hands.
If we can play as Clap-Trap, does that mean the entire game has no stairs?
Wait, that's not what we're doing here?
The word needs to be gotten out that this is illegal and people victimized for it can and should sue their employers over it. You can't fire someone for being injured (like I essentially was after being in a car accident), and you can't fire them for taking time off to care for an ill family member. If I'd had ANY…
Readers may be surprised to discover that this is not unusual or surprising behavior in pro kitchens. This time itit'ss news because celebrity, but this is happening to cooks all over, every day. This is standard behavior.
"About one in four Americans believe in geocentrism, which places the Earth at the center of the universe and the sun, planets, and stars revolving around it."
At least she's consistent, unlike the conservative multitudes who are anti-choice and pro-death penalty. I can maybe, kind of, sort of, respect that position.