Whether or not they're collectively bargained, Goodell still has input into every penalty. Sometimes it's during the negotiation stage, and sometimes it's a unique situation where he makes the ultimate decision on his own.
Whether or not they're collectively bargained, Goodell still has input into every penalty. Sometimes it's during the negotiation stage, and sometimes it's a unique situation where he makes the ultimate decision on his own.
Register for things you already own, or for things that look close enough to what you already own that people won't notice.
It makes more sense when you realize she's talking about Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy.
Best item ever.
You guys, I think I might be in some sort of Burger Convergence. The place where I'm sitting right now is within a mile of all five of the top burger places on the list.
San Diego: French fries in a sandwich? That's crazy! ... ::stuffs french fries inside burritos::
This explains why they started selling those terra-cotta reusable salad containers.
*tap, tap, tap*
For what it's worth, I took the comment to which you're replying to mean that the policies were successful in covering up assaults, not in preventing them (although I can see how it could be read the other way).
I'll just grow a goatee and be the evil one.
6'8" Mini Cooper Driver checking in, as well.
I can think of two reasons that I haven't seen explicitly mentioned in the thread so far, although only the second really applies to the Google Glass situation.
I only thought of it because I just made some banana bread this morning. Would probably never have crossed my mind otherwise.