
Goddamn, I loved Fun Home. I might go read that again. As a psychology doctoral student, I really didn't care for Bechdel's pseudomagical take on classical analysis that she presented in Are You My Mother? but Fun Home was another story entirely for me. Definitely time for a re-read.

She does such beautiful work. I'm halfway shocked that something of such obscure quality was actually ever assigned in the first place.

Yes and reading books that could challenge their worldview, broaden their minds, and develop critical thinking skills because then we'd have an educated populace who wouldn't stand for this sort of BS! I wish. God SC gives the Carolina's a bad name, though NC is pulling its weight now thanks to our obscenely right

He said he doesn't drink people's blood. He didn't say he doesn't bathe in it. What do you think he's washing his face with?

It's his Asian genes, not Noxzema™.

Pharrell might not be a vampire, but it's completely possible that he is a Highlander.

Further proof that rabbits are only a step up from rats. Scary, swarming animals.

There is a group of skater boys that live in my apartment building. They are probably between the ages of 10 and 15, and 5 or so of them skate together after school every day, frequenting the sidewalks and areas where I walk my dog. My dog is very skittish and gets really scared at the sound or sight of a skateboard.

On Amazon. An invaluable read about how "ignoring" your money stands for the inability to grow up, take responsibility, and relate in a general grown up way to financial matters.

We here at Jezebel live every day like it's butthole day.

Rugby players I've known, having the same proportion/fit issue, simply got their pants (and fitted skirts, as well) tailored. It's really not a big deal to do. I'm surprised to see that none of the athletes quoted made mention of this.

I don't normally watch skating but I happened to catch this one and I friggin' loved every minute of it. That creepily perfect, almost robotic Russian 15 year old emotionlessly destroying all her competition? Awesome. The much older (and unfortunately horsetoothed) Italian girl who had been to the Olympics multiple


Microsoft Painting... I don't have photoshop on this computer.

I am 5'4'' and weigh 140. I have a cute, soft body that I am not at all ashamed of and wear two piece swimsuits. But I would like to lose 15 pounds. I FEEL better when I am around 125 because I don't have the extreme chub rub and muffin tops that are rubbed raw. My bra doesn't dig in. My fucking SOCKS fit better. But

As someone who has been molested — screw you Barbara Walters and all the other Woody advocates. Amazingly, every adult I told believed me when it happened to me. Because, like, why would I make something like that up? I grew up in a conservative, religious family — my abuser was from our church — and barely knew about

That's how you think it works ? A police source leaked it? I'm a journalist it's not like the movies. Also if the person who called 911 said that there was a needle in the arm it will go across all the scanners and paging services that media outlets subscribe to. Soooo not that salacious after all.

Please take the picture of the kid down. It's giving me a case of the feels.

Zombie NFL players are the worst. They are strong, gigantic, fast and wear helmets so their only damn weak point is covered.

Does anyone else remember the Generation Girl line of Barbies from the late 90s? There was a black girl with natural hair in the lineup, as well as (IIRC) dolls who were supposed to have Mexican and Japanese backgrounds. They can still be tracked down on Ebay, if any moms/aunts/godparents out there are interested.