
obviously i am extremely bored at work today.

How else will you ever fulfill your dreams of one day becoming an eccentric old person who drinks bourbon out of a goblet and speaks only in movie lines uttered before 1950?

That show made my lady parts tingle. Apparently Paul Gross (the actor) makes his wife's lady parts tingle too because they have a bazillion* (perhaps exaggerated) children together. <—- Well wiki says I'm wrong and they only have two. This totally ruins my post. Bastards.

Wow, this is incredibly well written, and also really resonates with me. My mother was like this. I think for a lot of women, you can be surrounded by a thousand body-image positive influences, but if your mom is thin and always dieting, that's it. That's the influence.

I can related to this on so many levels, and it's heartbreaking.

I walk slower than my husband so I can be behind and look at

Ah, life lessons the Bluth way.

she's also the youngest author to get the award, at 28 years old..

I'm 28... and now I realize I've done NOTHING with my life.

The OP apparently missed the part where obie was put on a diet a pet food company designed & donated specifically for him. Also missed was the part where the dog received a specifically designed exercise regimen from a vet such as swimming to reduce his weight. and, the surgery the dog received was totally ignored by

Now playing

Comedian John Roberts gained notoriety after posting a bunch of videos of himself impersonating his Brooklyn-born & bred mom. This is a video of John as his mother reacting to John's coming out:

Braids have always been an acceptable casual/workout style for white women. My pet theory is that the popularity of Game of Thrones is helping to bring back braids as acceptable for a fashionable/professional setting.

Attention commenters: this piece is not about white women stealing braids from black women because black women had them first. It's about the NYT writer being an idiot and subbing "white women" in for "all women." You are still allowed to braid your hair.

as a person missing a pinky, its all fun and games till you say that to someone missing a finger. People don't ever know what to say to me after that. AKWARD

I'm having flashbacks to a project in Printmaking 101. But that was a pubic bush monoprint.


"On the Swiss set of Sils Maria..."
Anyone else read this as "Silas Marner" at first? No? Just the English Lit major/book nerd? Carry on, then.

I kinda think that outfit's hot.

Yeah, this was a fantastic move on their part. They hopped on it super quickly, too.

Actually quite cute. Wet Seal's PR people are pretty damn good :-)